I thought it was standard issue that every game has a brightness setting. But not f4.
And what's the reason for having a torch when it's daylight at night?
Bethesda in your next patch put in a brightness setting. It's very much needed.
For one its Lore that you can see because there is "Less Pollution" thereby meaning you can see the stars at night.
Don't know about you but on any night where I live in the real world if the stars are out, I can see almost as well at night as day time.
Another reason also realistic, there is no real point to making the game so dark that the player would otherwise have to avoid night play altogether. I know that for some people that seems fine but I find it rather silly to play games or use modifications that apply a black filter to the evenings as this renders them quite unplayable.
Can't you just turn down the brightness on your monitor/TV?
If mine was any darker I'd have to have the pip light on just to take a few steps. I'm guessing it's our monitor or tv adjustments differing as Summer just said.
At night, and even for the first hour after dawn, I can sort of see the road, but if I'm attacked by bloatflies or mongrels or something, I have to fight in VATS only because I can't see them...
If you are running around in Boston, it is well lit, but not overly so. The wastes are a different matter though. Luckily my gal is sneaky enough to get by undetected, otherwise I would have to rely solely on VATS.
So mouthbreathers can play at any time of the day/night cycle. I don't mind it too much, but there will be mods. For Fallout:NV I used a great sky mod which darkened the night time considerably
I can't play FPS based games on anything bigger than a 32", makes the controls feel real weird, haha.