I just wanted to thank Bethesda for abandoning the old Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout 3 level-scaling system. In those games many enemies leveled alongside the player. I understand this is a contentious issue among Bethesda fans, but I have been a proponent of the old school system used in Morrowind and Fallout NV where many of the enemies are a static level or only level a tiny but (within a range).
I truly enjoy the fact that some areas are supposed to be extremely tough for low level players. It is a great feeling in an RPG getting destroyed by tough enemies only to come back later at a higher level with better perks, stats, weapans, and gear and getting aweet revenge on those same enemies. It is a very rewarding feeling to defeat enemies that you struggled with earlier in the game. It gives a true sense of progression and a feeling of accomplishment. Progression and accomplishment are the two cornerstones of RPGs, and I am very happy that Bethesda decided to respect these features with their new leveling system.
For any low to mid level player looking for a challenge, check out some of the areas around the coast and especially Spectacle Island. Truly awesome stuff.
A very happy fan