Moderators aren't Bethesda employees, we're volunteers from the community. We don't have that much insight into the inner workings at Bethesda.
There are Community Managers whose job it is to disseminate info from the forums and other media and get that info to the right people, and the QA guys to look at the support forums to know what bugs to look into. Beyond that there's not a lot I can comment on without putting words into Bethesda's mouths - I can't speak for the company itself or their policies, that's their job unfortunately. I can speak from my own knowledge and experiences though.
Bethesda just doesn't have the most involved presence on their forums, as compared to other companies. As above, I can't speak to why that is. I have been a moderator on this forum since just prior to the release of Fallout 3. They have never released a game and not put out a number of bug-fix patches. I don't know what their timetable for that is at the moment, but of course there's one coming. (Unfortunately this is Bethesda - their games have bugs, and it's part and parcel to the games they make.)
I know first-hand tech support reads the support forums. We do get occasional feedback from them (either directly or second-hand through the Community Managers.) Generally they complain that it's a total mess for them to read through, because it's just the nature of these forums that people with problems don't look to see if a similar topic has been posted yet and 9 times out of 10 post them in the wrong section anyway. (Immediately follow a game release, most of our time is just getting threads in the proper forum - QA is busy trying to sort through the tech forums and the bevy of threads all talking about the same issues, so may not always spend time in General Discussion. Our first priority is getting threads to the right place where they'll actually be looked at by the right people.)
At every game release, no matter how long it takes, people are going to be upset with how long it takes for a patch to come out, and no matter how many times a dev does post it won't ever be enough. (One thing I would like to see on this forum is for threads where a dev posts gets marked so people can see it - often times their posts just get overlooked.)
If this release is anything at all like every single one in past seven or so years we'll see a pinned update from one of the Community Managers some time soon about upcoming patches. Then people will clamor for specific details, then the first patch will come out, it won't fix everything for everybody (and sometimes it leads to dragons flying backwards anyway
) and the process starts over again.
Hey, it'd make my "job" easier if the devs talked more here, in some instances. But they have their reasons for doing things I'm sure - I just can't speak to what they are. In short, I'm sure a patch is coming; I can say with a fair degree of certainty that QA is aware of the issues, and an announcement will be made on the timetable Bethesda decides on. We won't know the specific patch details until they're released and we won't know how long it'll be but yes there will be many patches containing bug fixes.