I found a nice way to farm legendary items from natioanol guard post, what happened was before entering the area i saved and i guess the game decided that that would be the time when i get my legendary enemy, so every time i reload he spawns about 95% of the time with different loot, after i eneted the building however the item he spawns with gets locked to whater it happens to be so when i reload insdie the building its always the same item but with different effect. I've been farming for kneecapper 10mm pistol and my problem is that i've been farming this way for about 4 hours (getting about 2 or 3 kills a minute) and not a single 1 of those was the kneecapper prefix, i did check online the list of legendary effects on weapons and some of them never appeared where others repeat multiple times. So do enemies have a preset item effects they spawn with (ghouls have specific effects, roaches, etc) or am i just really that unlucky? How rare is the kneecapper prefix :-/