Bethesda talks about post-launch for Fallout 4

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:56 pm

Basically with Bethesda the Risk is we get DLC that's as Buggy as Skyrim DLC, as bad as the worse DLCs from Bethesda, while making you feel like you payed for Horsearmor AGAIN.

the reward is that we may end up with DLC thats as good as the best DLCs ever made by, well, Anyone.

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Jack Walker
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:09 pm

I see no pros at all to a season pass, only cons and big ones. I would personally rather pay the full price then pay 30 and get ripped off because the DLC is buggy/poorly balanced because I agreed to the price deal before I saw the content at hand. We Have no evidence that Beth has fixed their bug problem which I don't think can be fixed because of the open world nature of the game (Even Witcher 3 had bugs). I have my fingers crossed that it is but I need to see it in order to believe it.

Everything else sounds cool, happy that PS4 gets mods but Season Pass is a no no.

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