Fallout 4 hardcoe mode - Yes or no?

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:29 am

I actually don't mind a lot of the stuff that NV'S hardcoe Mode, but there were two things that kept me from having it on at all times. The first was Companion deaths. While I generally don't use Companions, the idea of having to babysit them on the few occasions where I did use them was more trouble than I was willing to put up with. The other thing that kept me from keeping hardcoe Mode on was the gauges. For me, having to juggle them was an exercise in tedium.

If FO4 has a hardcoe Mode, I'll take a look at it, but if it involves juggling a bunch of gauges, I'll give it a miss. Given my tendency to play without companions, I won't let the fact that they can permanently die stop me from playing hardcoe Mode, but gauges are an immediate deal-breaker.
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:29 am

Yes, I can't play New Vegas without it. I always thought it wasn't much of a challenge and more for role playing and immersion. To the people who voted no. Why would you not wan't this option? If you don't like it don't turn it on.

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:41 am

Typical answer would be limited development time.

If you had:

1) Devs spend time building a feature and balancing it you don't want

2) Since the above requires scripting knowledge, it they could have added in more patrols, more random encounters perhaps even a virtibird crash landing that was talked about in another thread.

If you had no interest in a hardcoe mode, which option would you choose given those options? Lets face it, creating and *balancing* a survival mechanic takes some time. By no means, take this as an attack, I actually do want the mode. Just without the pointless eating/drinking/sleeping mechanics that nv used.

On the other hand, I think this might not even be an issue for the most part. I was listening to an interview with Tod Howard, and he was talking about balancing the economy and getting rid of cash exploits. Ammo that has 0 weight and a cash value.. would be one hell of an exploit in theory. And its not to far of a stretch for them to have added in the medical bits from nv hard core mode as normal game play. Or making stims heal over time in the base game. Otherwise it was just a god-mode switch.

That being said, I can see them re-enabling the instant healing stims in say the easy difficulty mode. *that* would be a simple switch, and would make sense for folks that have a difficult time with the normal difficulty.

*shrugs* Only 1 month 3 weeks 21 hours until we find out for sure!

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Alister Scott
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:39 pm

Short answer: just answering the poll question

Long answer: Well, yes - since it's an optional mode, one doesn't have to use it if one doesn't like the idea ("don't know/don't care"). But the poll question is "Would you want a hardcoe mode?" And the actual personal answer for me, is "no". Because I would never use it. :shrug:

(it didn't ask if I'd care if the mode were avaliable for other people, or optional, or whatever. It asked if I want a hardcoe mode.)

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:29 pm

It's not so simple. As Mavkiel has already pointed out, everything that goes into a game eats up development resources in the form of money and man-hours. If you put resources into one thing, it is going to take resources away from something else. Compromises have to be made. Spending time and money on sims/survival features takes time and money away from other game features.

So not wanting to take time and money away from other features that some of us find more valuable is a perfectly legitimate reason to vote "No" to a "survival" mode.

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:12 pm

very caustic and dividing arguement. "What I want is more important than what you want".

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Charles Weber
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:22 pm

And that's the point of the thread. Do *you* want hardcoe mode? If the answer is no, then why on earth would you want resources spent on it? The same bloody argument when multiplayer or co-op threads pop-up. People don't want it because it will take resources from the game they want to experience.

But, as I noted in my argument, I am in favor of the mode, more or less. I can just see why folks would vote 'no'.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:27 pm

An optional mode for those who want it? Why not?
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:39 am

Voted other:

I like for Beth to allow the player to pick and choose. I only played hardcoe mode once because I find the eating,sleeping, and drinking requirements tedious. I would like the ammo weight and slower healing though. They could have a default hardcoe mode that gives an achievement if your into that sort of thing.

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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:53 am

Right? I'm so torn on Traits, because they're nice but I understand that they don't fit in with Bethesda's design philosophy. It's not like Bethesda to let you make permanent gameplay decisions at chargen you can't turn around on; choosing SPECIAL is one thing, but since you can develop and grow your SPECIAL it' not as bad if you regret your initial distribution. Maybe they can include Traits, and then at some point you can spend a perk point (or points) to eliminate the drawback? They'd have to balance the traits so that you don't suddenly become a god without the drawback, though. And traits that add/switch encounters would be weird, but I don't think the Wild Wasteland option should have been presented as a Trait in the first place. (there should totally be Luck perks that add new random encounters, though, that would be amazing).

As for companions and their essentialness; I still think we shouldn't have to worry about companions dying, unless it's a story scenario where we can actually feel something other than "oh, that was BS, time to reload". But I'd say it would be great if they disabled friendly fire at lower difficulties, and made it harder to bring back a KO'd companion at higher difficulties. Like, maybe at the normal difficulty KO'd companions act just like Skyrim, where they can get up in the middle of a fight; but higher difficulties keep them down until the fight is over.

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Jake Easom
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:04 am

Traits for the most part just added a wee bit of depth to your character. Does your character have to wear glasses? Are you a packrat? A science nerd? Basically I viewed traits as background for your toon. The only exception to it, was the wild wasteland trait. Which I am in total agreement with box on. It should not have been a trait. Something tied to a stat? Sure. Getting a weird event because one of your stats is high, would be... epic.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:24 am

Voted No. I always used it in New Vegas, so if a hardcoe mode is implemented I would definitely appreciate it, but I don't feel like it fits the theme of Fallout 4 as well as it fit New Vegas. I'd prefer well balanced food in the base game as a primary (and gradual) healing mechanic with radiation poisoning as a survival element. That being said, I would probably be overwriting the mechanic anyway once a well-balanced and maintained survival mod is released.

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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:30 am

Can never go wrong with more options. Voted yes.

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Anna Krzyzanowska
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