How is this any surprise?.. have you not bought any new games recently? All upcoming new games at EB games in Canada cost $79.99. It's not like they simply made up a new price just for F4.
How is this any surprise?.. have you not bought any new games recently? All upcoming new games at EB games in Canada cost $79.99. It's not like they simply made up a new price just for F4.
I still remember going to Canada 20 years ago, and I was shopping in a Mom and Pop shop when I realized I had run out of Canadian money. I told them I'd have to put some things back, as I only had American dollars. The shopkeep eagerly told me they would accept those just fine! Turns out the exchange rate was extremely favorable to the American dollar at the time.
Most new games where I'm at are 69,99$, a few are 79,99$. For Fallout 4 I wouldn't be bothered either way, I played FO3 for over 1000 hours in total, that'd make it ~8¢/hour for high quality entertainment.
The Canadian economy is inflated compared to the US economy. So 1 USD = $1.29 CAN as of today's date 10/15.
For us Yanks, the average retail price for the regular game (not the limited/collector's edition) is around $60 USD (at major retailers like Best Buy & Walmart)
Based on today's currency exchange rate, the average retail price for the retail game in Canada is around $79 to $81. Which is exactly the ball park on the price you appear to be complaining about....
So don't feel too discriminated against because:
Aussies at $1.37 CAN to the USD, game should retail around $82
and especially Kiwis at $1.46 NZ to USD, would retail around $88
are all likely going to get the same raw deal as you Canooks
So the price spike of which you speak is really a relative difference in currency inflation.
IMO, it seems like its going to be the Brits (at $0.65 pounds to USD can expect a $40-45 pound retail price) and EU (at 0.88 euro at $53 euro) gamers who can expect to get a break come November. Assuming the sales/import taxes from importing an American game doesn't wipe out whatever savings their deflated economy has relative the the US that is...
lol some people are just slow too catch on when the fallout 4 E3 things was over i waited few days for retail here in canada too sort there crap out and i looked at price did a double take i was like wtf 80$? ,then i looked at halo 5,MGS V,BLOPS 3, star wars battlefront etc etc saw come sept most new games are 80$ so i was like meh its that year again were they hike prices .
am i happy no i am i surprised no just what happens when you live in great white north.
nope they do it on youtube of all places......
Did i state that no, i stated the president raises minimum wage every year so the price of stuff goes up every year, so where did you get your info from?????
It's best not to buy newly released games from Steam, just buy games on sale from Steam. Go search around, I got my game AND the DLC for around $65 US, which is a much better deal than the prices Steam sells new games to me at.
And how exactly would that affect a company that does not employ minimum wage workers? I doubt any professional programmer working on AAA title games works for minimum wage, so it wouldn't affect that company's cost and therefore not the price of that company's products. Also, minimum wage isn't exactly the only contributing factor to inflation.
Which president are we talking about, btw?
Alternatively you can pay with 2 quarts of maple syrup
Not gonna happen. That is too precious to Canadians if it is the real Maple Syrup.
I am sending all my snow back to canada. Not paying for it anymore. They needed to get the money some how.
Are you calling them snowbacks?
We don't take kindly to folks discriminating against others!
*edit* For folks that don't get the reference, its a slur used in skyrim.
=( i feel your pain, it happen the same here, only way i find to fix this was to paid on dollar trow a international Credit card. if not i get over charge.