I think it would be valuable to expand the list of outfits that are eligible for the Ballistic Weave modification.
The inclusion of the mod in to the game allows for a welcome flexibility in what your character can wear once enemies start to hit harder (also, who doesn't like reppin' the Atom Cats while taking down a Gunner enclave?). In many games, you are restricted to wearing the "best available" gear come end-game. The mod negates that restriction, which I found quite refreshing.
However, there are a few pieces of equipment that should definitely be included on the list.
For example: the Brotherhood Fatigues.
I found the fatigues to be one of the most aesthetically appealing outfits in the game. Unfortunately, at 10 resistance across the board, it's efficiency as a protective is out-shined by a piece of base leather on top of the starting vault suit. There's certainly room enough in the outfit to make the ballistic weave plausible, and I was honestly surprised to find out that it could not be modded.