Here's a strange new problem and SPOILER WARNING.
Recently I finished the first mission of "Reunion" where you confront Kellog about your son, after that i switched up by doing a Brotherhood of Steel mission from the Prywden( sorry if its wrong). Also, i had the creature follower mod installed too, with a Deathclaw following me around. So i finish the mission from the brotherhood (raiding a fort) and i decide to remove the deathclaw, but i also decided to do it the next time i start my game.So, today i start up the game (spawned in sanctuary) and i open up the console, selecedt the deathclaw and typed 'disable' and it worked. Next i head up to Diamond city to continue the "Reunion" mission and when i try to go into the newspaper office, the game just quits - doesn't crash or give me an error, just quits and sync's up the data - I start up the game again, and i head to diamond city again and try to enter Valentine's office, and the game just quits again! I start up the game for the 3rd time and I head to diamond city and try to save there, as soon as i click the 'Save' button, it quits again!! now I start up the game for the 4th time and head to the Prywden Airship to do a BoS mission and i try to enter the ship from its hanger and it still quits!!!!! So i try something new, i save at sanctuary, it saves without a any issue, but then i go to diamond city and try to save there, game quits again.
Can somebody please tell me what to do? Should i delete the ESP file of my creature mod? is that mod causing all of this??or is it something else?