Followers Outpost "multi-trashing"

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:36 am

I dunno if this is a solid (works for everybody) glitch, but I ran into it earlier:

You follow up on the appointment to go see Dr. Shilling at the Followers Outpost, and of course - the place turns out to have been hit by the BOS paladins that don't trust Veronica.

A new twist on it is this -

I thought I would lay mines all around the place and get them to follow me outside, and a couple of wrinkles on it are that you won't find a "Dr. Shilling" labeled ash pile inside the place unless you go in with Veronica.

HOWEVER- you can go in, spot the pile and immediately go back out the door. Timed well, the Paladins inside the place won't see you, but NOW the trap is triggered, and if you go in alone they will be waiting for you.

I hit on all of this because the first time I walked into it I got wiped out, so I wanted to explore it in a few different ways.

I triggered the scenario with veronica, bailed through the door, jumped the railing and was waiting for them to come out!

Huh, no persuit. That's funny...

So I had veronica and ED-E wait on the other side of the boxcars in good positions to snipe at anybody who came out after me - then I went back up in. Short dialogue - they open fire - I bail outside - THIS TIME THEY FOLLOWED! And we got them all.

So then I went merrily back up the stairs and went in to loot the place - AND THEY WERE BACK AGAIN!

I'm theorizing at this point that if I want to kill them over and over all I need to do is spring the trap with 'Ronnie, get out before they notice us and position Veronica and ED-E on opposite sides behind the two rows of boxcars, then go in alone to get them to follow me out.

Repeating as necessary...

IN OTHER WORDS, it seems it doesn't count if you kill them outside of the outpost itself, they will respawn until they are fought in the confines of the shack.

This might be the only respawn exploit like it in the whole game if it can be replicated.

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Janine Rose
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