Hey guys,
I was trying to make a statue of an NPC which is still (no movement) but the player can talk to.
I used mannequin race when creating an NPC but my NPC moves. Also made him invincible, doesn't bleed, avoid combat, etc.
Any ideas?
Hey guys,
I was trying to make a statue of an NPC which is still (no movement) but the player can talk to.
I used mannequin race when creating an NPC but my NPC moves. Also made him invincible, doesn't bleed, avoid combat, etc.
Any ideas?
If I recall well, there is a TalkActivator somewhere in CK. Check how Molag Bal shrine works, for example.
I don't think you need to use the mannequin race, just add the package the mannequin has to your npc. Then place him somewhere that has a navmesh; the mannequins need to have a navmesh under their feet so that they don't move. Not my fault.
What you could do is duplicate a static item and change the mesh to whatever you like or use an existing static mesh (load screen objects are good) That way they don't require a navmesh and they won't move, ever. Obviously you can't equip with armour etc like a mannequin but then again you wouldn't expect to with a statue. Then just use an activator to interact with it as per the tutorials
That sounds like a good idea, i've never done that before. What static item do you suggest I duplicate and how would I change the mesh to a figure?
Hi if you're not interested in any of the existing statues there are modders resources statues that I've seen used in other peoples mods, Tamira has some I believe. If they don't have collision data you can use a primitive type collision box around it (load screen static models are like this)
Ive made many statues from actors. There is a very simple trick you can use to stop the statue moving:
create a new race for your statue and on the body tab of the race menu delete the behavior graph and voila! you have a completely motionless NPC/Statue
That sounds great! How do you delete the behaviour graph? I will try it out tomorrow.
just click on the little tab that lets you choose the file for your races behavior graph then close down the file selection window and its gone
I'm still a little confused. I went to the "Attack Data" tab and set that to none, but I could not find the other things looking through the tabs.
1: create a new race for your statue
2: open your new race from the race menu (not the actor)
3: click on the body tab
4: below skeleton is behavior graph with a filename like "Actors\Character\DefaultMale.hkx"
5: click on the edit button to the bottom right
6: when the file selection window opens close it back down
7: the behavior graph slot should now be blank
8: click OK
9: Your done
Your guide was clear enough, but I am having some problems with textures. I duplicated the ImperialRace and named it "ImperialRaceStatue". I did what you said and it stays still (statue like), but some of the NPC textures are missing.
As the image shows, how would I fix this?
In your race form, fill in the "Copied data" for both "Morph Race" and "Armor Race" .
ok I know how to fix this:
1: open ImperialRaceStatue from the race menu
2: Click on the general tab
3: On the bottom right you should see 2 pull down menu boxes (Morph Race and Armor Race)
4: Set them both to Imperial Race
5: Click OK