I did this 3 times , my game is glitched I guess right?
probably not. What you may see when you look at magic affects is the first item will show for stam regen and the next 2 listings will show the first item, but in fact if you take the first item off and look again the next item will show up for the 2 remainin buffs. This is poor handling of the game system rather than an actual bug. Your total stamina regen will be the sum of all 3 separately listed buffs even though they may all say the same Item is giving the buff.
... so it sounds like if you try to enchant with several items for each part of the body, it should work. Have you tried with multiple necklaces, rings, etc?
Just FYI - here's the wiki for supported enchantment slots on the body and on weapons: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Enchanting_Effects