this is by far the most stable bethesda RPG i have played in ages..
when i played F3 again the last year it was less stable in its fully patched state (360) than this one has been at launch.. it still crashes constantly.
so far the most common hicups are what i like to call "the awkward slience" where dialog just stops, which is easily fixed by moving the camera away far enough that you half exit the dialog, and the "Glowing inventory screen" where you examine a item in your inventory and return to the inventory with a brandnew glowly look.
the worst issue i have had was a single instance that caused a lost save (which amounted to almost no loss thanks to constant auto saving) where the start screen loaded infinitely until i restarted the system.. i deleted the one save and have been making sure to quit before shutting down the console.
at this point i have been playing each day since thursday of release week. would have been playing longer but out of town for a funeral. i have already done one playthrough of 48hours playtime and have already passed that and then some on my second playthrough.
nothing as bad as some of the issues i have seen in previous TES and fallouts. not even anything gamebreaking but hilarious like the 1.2 skyrim backwards flying dragons.