I'd love to see a piece of craftable furniture for settlements that acts as shared inventory space for settlers. Ideally I'd like to be able to put weapons, ammunition, and armor into one storage location and know that it will be used to equip my settlers without any further intervention on my part. As I put progressively more powerful gear in, the settlers should be equipped with it, and the obsolete gear returned to storage.
Manually equipping settlers is a great tool that brings a lot of flavor to the settlement system, but trying to keep dozens of them spread across multiple settlements properly equipped is a huge time sink. Some people enjoy that level of micromanaging/character creation, and that's cool, the system as it stands caters to them. I suspect that the majority of the player base would welcome an alternative though, and it can be done without removing the fun for other folks.
Just my two cents. Keep up the good work. This season pass is burning a hole in my pocket...
P.s. Is there a way to name settlers? If not, why?