» Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:13 pm
I dont know so no strong opinion but my guess is roughly the same. For sure is settlement size budget is not based on individual item count, it is based on the number of polygons and triangles that graphics have to render. In the guts of the engine, you can console command or use easy pre-made mod that alters these settings.
So as a guess, based on eyeball estimate of the polys being rendered, the large generator seems just about same as two mediums, possibly bit more because of the attached light mechanism on large gen.
I didnt think of steel as limiting resource but i suppose based on style, it could very well be. For me, while wood and steel is precious because of my huge settlement building, copper and nuclear material is far lower in abundance. Put another way, its a lot easier and cheaper for me to get 10-12 more steel than the 4 extra copper + 3 nuclear material
As for settlement real estate - i tend to build vertically, so always plenty of room. Even in a olace as cramped as Hangman's Alley, although there you hit an artificial vertical wall before you reach sureounding building height, but no issue getting max settlement size plus even max food/water on ground dirt level for self supporting (24 food, 24 water)