Minor Gripes

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:49 pm

First off... Loving this game; the release has been one of Bethesda's best.

There are of course a few things to gripe about.

My main issue is the save system, and how they are named; why Bethesda decided to do away with the save system of the past and treat all travel saves and whatnots as "saves" instead of "autosaves: I don't know, but they are overwriting my manual saves and I am not enjoying that.

Quicksave function is a great addition on consoles though.

I would love it if they went back to seperating those out so when I travel through a door it doesn't overwrite a save I set up for safety purposes.

Additionally I'd love a sort of follower tracker in the pip boy and a way to see whether or not I've given a settler a job other than praying its somewhere in my field of view when I switched to them.

Also closing down settlements and moving those settlers to another location would be great, I'm not going to build up Oberland Station, it's just not gonna happen, let me move the two people there somewhere else, then when I return maybe it's been taken over by raiders.

alright Rant over...


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Shannon Marie Jones
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