PC -left mouse click on map annoyance

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:49 am

TL-DR - left mouse click to drag/move map around ends up planting custom markers 90% of the time (for me)

Thought it was maybe a mouse or mouse driver issue - so tried first at system level, setting my mouse double click speed to glacially slow. Tested this was in effect on Windows folders, other application icons and shortcuts, etc - at lowest, slowest double click speed I have to really, really super click fast to get it to recognize as a double click.

So thought that should prevent FO4 from interpreting my single LMB click to hold and drop pipboy map as more than one click or duration to initiate the custom marker placement. But nope - same problem.

So then I figured ok, not optimal solution but I will toss my Logitech mouse driver entirely - maybe it's a conflict with some logitech gaming mouse software driver - and just used standard vanilla Windows 7 mouse driver. Same problem.

So then I tossed my beloved Logitech mouse entirely out of the equation and plugged in the default, never used USB Microsoft mouse that came with my system. Same problem.

So vainly looked for a sensitivity setting in FO4, but only found look sensitivity, not click.

Anyone else having a total PITA with using pip boy map as it keeps interpreting drag and move map as either plant custom marker or fast travel? Has annoyed me so much I only use the map now in really roundabout way - using the Quests or Workshops tab to pick a location via 'Show on Map' key to go from there to the already centered on position map view.

Ideally, would like arrow or other keys to be able to move the map around.

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