Initial thoughts

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:55 pm

Just playing FO:4 for the past two days.
Love Codsworth even if he did not say my name. He has so much personality. Kudos to his voice actor. :)
--armor crafting could be a LOT more user friendly.
As in how do I put them on my armor??????!?
Save is a lot smoother..
Please stop reminding me that I need to press the center pad to go back into build mode EVERY single time I exit it. This is super annoying if you did not know. I only need to be told once. I can remember for longer than 5 minutes. Honest.
I think the rads thing is overdone.
Very easy mode is a lie.

Spirited Treasure
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:50 pm

Well, you need to press the... I'm kidding.

As for armor pieces, equip them like any clothing. But they can be equipped over (someone correct me if I'm wrong) only Vault Jumpsuit, Road Leathers, Army Fatigues. Can't wear them over other clothing without use of mods.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:35 pm

One dear to me says He put them on while wearing Army fatigues and wound up in His underwear!

Thanks for the info. I've got my girl wearing the road leathers. I used up all 5 adhesive that I had modifying two of the pieces .
Now to find more.

Oh yes please include a wall with a cutout window. Maybe the option to make some sort of window with some of that glass I have been collecting.

And! The NPC's all seem to have pathing issues. Walking into walls of pre-existng buildings and walking into the walls of my little homemade house. Codsworth had pathing issues following me in there too.
Dog seems to have gone missing as well.
I prefer Codsworth as a companion.

We should be able to wear them over what ever we are wearing IMO. Not just two items. If only clothes, then ALL clothes.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:15 pm

Oh yes before I forget,
Please make prefabs without those poles on every corner.
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:37 am

Dog missing? If you sent him to Sanctuary, there's around three different kennels he might be hanging out at. Check the back yards.

Otherwise, he may have returned to the Red Rocket Garage.

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Emma Pennington
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:00 pm

Unless your on pc and referring to modders with your requests, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

I do have high expectations that any dlc will feature expaded options for settlements. If not one dlc will be entirely for it.

Any npc pathing is unfortunately on you though, as its fundamental to the engine and has existed since morriwind and oblivion. You just need to be more forgiving and give wide pathways.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:47 pm

You can wear various clothes under armor. Two common examples are Harness and Long Johns but there are many others.

There already are walls with cutout windows. :)

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Jake Easom
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:41 am

I am really impressed with the game. I like the overall package.

My only teething issues were a few tasks such as building are not obvious without googling online for a guide. (The basics are simple, but managing a tips are not so obvious. Simple when explained though).
Other minor mistakes were that I put points only on the top line of my perk chart at first not realising I could go down (stupid I know). It wasn't too long before I realised and it has made no long term impact on my game as I would have needed the points there anyhow.
I accidentally turned my torch I the pipboy which I had to google info to turn off. It is simple when you are told, but not so quick to do when you press every button (without knowing you have to hold it down) and keep scrolling through the pipboy to see if it is a option in there.

Otherwise, I love the way the game smoothly plays like a film, I love the graphics, I love the animation, I love the combat, I love the characters, I love the missions, I love the choice to use power armor... all good.

Something I hated in Fallout 3 was the same boring wasteland landscape. New Vegas was a breath of freshness from that. Fallout 4 is much better a landscape than the tedious Fallout 3. We even get to farm and grow trees.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:02 pm

I am starting to hate Preston with a passion..

Just walk past him and get 15 more quests.. I want to put some of that duct tape over his mouth!!

Do his quests ever end??!!

They still don't trust me to play the game.. :nope:

It's worse than Skyrim.. At this point I won't be buying anything else they ever make..

That's really sad..

I did find dog.. He was in a kennel behind another house..

Aitenshi1 : there are alcoves, not flat walls.

I also want prefabs with out poles on every corner.

I wish very easy mode was not hard with a different name.

It's not easy mode at all..Not at all..

It's "Easy? hahahahaha...You don't get easy!" that's what it is..


It seems as though I have to drop all junk on the ground in front of me and hover them up in build mode..

OMG!!! Really????

Drop every single thing from my inventory onto the ground.

Turn on Build mode with the reminder that happens EVERY single time.

Turn on hover and vacuum them all up..(scrap scrap scrap scrap scrap --ad nauseum)

There should be a "scrap all junk" button.

While Preston is walking past giving me 50 more quests to go do stuff where 100 raiders with flame throwers are killing me in five seconds.

And that is "very easy"...


NO it is NOT.


Why am I being FORCED to create settlements? Not everyone wants to play the sims in Fallout!

If I did want to, I want to be able to build the same way as I can there.

I will find a way to Kill Preston.. This I so swear.

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James Hate
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:39 am

mods are supported on consols too

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