You're all missing the point. Which is there's guns with made up abilities. Perks are a whole different thing because they're gameplay mechanics, not items. And the mysterious stranger is something that's been around since 2. He/she "shows up" presumably being hidden nearby. Then they "run away". If you think that's magic then you have a very weak concept of what magic is. It's immersive. Guns that don't reload and never use ammo aren't. Infinite glowing arrows fired from a bow by a mage or elf would be magical AND immersive. We can safely make that assumption when seeing it. It's been proven in lore (Other lore. Not fallout lore). Some games introduce magic with guns. But they do it IN GAMEPLAY LORE! Or at least share a similar universe to another game that does so. There's no lore here.
Some games, like Serious Sam, get away with it. Because it's never tried to be serious about plot. Fallout has been "serious" in the past. Or at least serious enough. And this is the first time such weapons are lying around everywhere. As well as moving further away from "guns that operate in a more realistic sense". I wouldn't even mind a magic sense if there was AN EXPLANATION for it. It's ok when we don't get an explanation about aliens, because hey, who can explain that? But simply dumping something into a game and giving it no lore/plot whatsoever? That's like dumping a minigun into the victorian era. Say "Because time travel" then at least there's a reason for it. I'm more bothered by the lack of explanation in game then anything. Though I would hope there would be a stronger reason then "time travel" or something. Mutated crystals affected by radiation from the glowing sea and used to power them could be a sufficient explanation for example. Though that still wouldn't explain infinite ammo, but I suppose "producing" the ammo could work there. See, giving reason isn't that difficult. It even gives a reason why such weapons are rare, because the glowing sea is that dangerous.
And as I said before, they weren't strewn around like candy in past games. MOST weapons in past games operated in a logical sense. It's the reverse here. I'm seeing it at every turn and every corpse.
And chems are actually used by soldiers on the real battlefield. Drugs for pain "stimpacks in this case" and so on. So nice try. Please don't attempt to say that that's magical and immersive breaking when we're actually doing it in reality. "Health" is the ability to keep fighting. When soldiers take "pain killers" or "combat enhancers" it "toughens them up" or makes them "more alert" (perception/reflexes).