While we're at immersion breaking

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:20 pm

You're all missing the point. Which is there's guns with made up abilities. Perks are a whole different thing because they're gameplay mechanics, not items. And the mysterious stranger is something that's been around since 2. He/she "shows up" presumably being hidden nearby. Then they "run away". If you think that's magic then you have a very weak concept of what magic is. It's immersive. Guns that don't reload and never use ammo aren't. Infinite glowing arrows fired from a bow by a mage or elf would be magical AND immersive. We can safely make that assumption when seeing it. It's been proven in lore (Other lore. Not fallout lore). Some games introduce magic with guns. But they do it IN GAMEPLAY LORE! Or at least share a similar universe to another game that does so. There's no lore here.

Some games, like Serious Sam, get away with it. Because it's never tried to be serious about plot. Fallout has been "serious" in the past. Or at least serious enough. And this is the first time such weapons are lying around everywhere. As well as moving further away from "guns that operate in a more realistic sense". I wouldn't even mind a magic sense if there was AN EXPLANATION for it. It's ok when we don't get an explanation about aliens, because hey, who can explain that? But simply dumping something into a game and giving it no lore/plot whatsoever? That's like dumping a minigun into the victorian era. Say "Because time travel" then at least there's a reason for it. I'm more bothered by the lack of explanation in game then anything. Though I would hope there would be a stronger reason then "time travel" or something. Mutated crystals affected by radiation from the glowing sea and used to power them could be a sufficient explanation for example. Though that still wouldn't explain infinite ammo, but I suppose "producing" the ammo could work there. See, giving reason isn't that difficult. It even gives a reason why such weapons are rare, because the glowing sea is that dangerous.

And as I said before, they weren't strewn around like candy in past games. MOST weapons in past games operated in a logical sense. It's the reverse here. I'm seeing it at every turn and every corpse.

And chems are actually used by soldiers on the real battlefield. Drugs for pain "stimpacks in this case" and so on. So nice try. Please don't attempt to say that that's magical and immersive breaking when we're actually doing it in reality. "Health" is the ability to keep fighting. When soldiers take "pain killers" or "combat enhancers" it "toughens them up" or makes them "more alert" (perception/reflexes).

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Nana Samboy
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:42 pm

O.o ok is amazing how ppl convince themselves of what is or isnt immersive.

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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:52 pm

You can carry around 300 things because it's a game and it has to be playable. Same goes for perks. Those add little twists to the game that help make it fun, but not in an over-the-top fashion.

There's no real "magic" in Fallout, or at least there shouldn't be. Almost everything in-game is explained through technology in some way. The exception here being the magical weapons and armor we have in Fallout 4.

Nothing but magic could explain how a weapon that only holds two shells is able to fire continuously without being reloaded. Nothing but magic can explain that. That is why it breaks immersion.

It isn't a gameplay requirement, like being able to carry 300 pounds. It isn't a fun little perk that the character can take to put a twist on the gameplay. It's clearly a magical item that has no place in Fallout 4 because this is NOT Borderlands.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:31 pm

lets see, i find magic weapons on Fallout 3 and Fallout NV, how u explain that??? same goes for armor.

Only real reason now is u get it droop from a really hard NPC u need to kill.

this is becoming the same as RPG posts. is just a minority that keep opening the same post over and over and over.

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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:16 am

You keep saying Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas have magic weapons, but you're not showing me what you mean.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS0yRhq9gSQ<- THAT is not immersive. THAT cannot be explained with technology or science. THAT is purely "magical".
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:49 pm

I would love to see a minigun with infinite ammo and infinite ammo capacity, pop some jet and psycho...I would immerse myself in hours of chopping down mutants and deathclaws..
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:17 pm

This is very true. When I went back and played Morrowind (I started with Oblivion) I was much more engaged by the way loot worked. I actually felt like I was delving into ancient ruins and finding rare, powerful gear, instead of rolling the dice on a randomly generated loot box.

I'm glad Fallout 4 has found a way to make the loot a bit more fun than how it was in Oblivion and Skyrim, but I hope in the future Bethesda finds a way to tone down the random generation and really make me feel like I'm discovering powerful unique loot.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:46 pm

Magic is just technology we dont understand. :)
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:39 pm

True. But there's no understanding of it here. Nor is there a reason for it existing. At the very least people should be going "Oh look, magic weapons in our game world".

This. All of this.

Name 5. And they better be actually "magical". If it's "adds perception" then that can be explained with things like a suit being designed to inject combat enhances. Even the cloak armor is technology based, even if it's technology that isn't fully understood. But still tech based. You've already proven that you have a weak grasp of what is magical since you think a person running in VATS (Which is a GAMEPLAY MECHANIC! Not a magic spell) is magic. I mean, seriously. He turns up. Helps you out. runs off. How is that magic?

And if you think "RPG" players is minority then you really are deluded. You get that this is an RPG game, right?

Actually, I'm not even going to try with you. If you think "being a ninja" and "gameplay mechanics/perks" are the same as items with stats (magical or not) then I give up.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:03 am

it exist because somebody wanted it to exist. :)
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:31 pm

Also hate that they added this. It is obviously a way to cater to the "boderlands" public. In my opinion a game and other made up worlds gets better and better the more logical its universe is. I love games where everything in it can be explained somehow in its own logic (I think one of the best examples of this is the game Outcast). That is the same for movies and books to. To do something like this is just meh.. I feels like Beth have lost a lot of their integrity of feeling unique in the industry and doing their own thing. I wonder if it started with ES Online, even though it was not developed by them (and soon we get the ES card game..). It is sad to see though when there is still so many great things to love with the game, I am just afraid even what is left will be stripped more and more in coming games until we really get a shallow husk that can be placed along other mainstream bleak series like CoD etc.

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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:37 pm

This is not true. I believe it was Arthur C. Clarke who noted that any technology that is relatively advanced to the person witnessing it is indistinguishable from magic. This fact has also been used in various sci-fi stories when a technologically advanced person meets a person on a lower technology tier. The lower tier person often refers to the higher technology as magic-based when it really isn't, but the person cannot distinguish the difference. You even said it yourself about advanced alien tech. It's same thing with any tech.

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:24 pm

Yes yes, magic is simply technology not yet understood.

But why aren't the NPCs in the game stating as such if it actually exists in the game? :unsure2:

"Geneforge" has magic and summoning. It exists in the game. It is commented and spoken of. "Ammo/armor types exist in Mass Effect and is explained and commented on (if only a little but still enough. Because fancy tech). Skyrim has magical items but is explained with mages.

So the explanation for these weapons in Fallout 4 would be...? Did the same company that made Skyrim just suddenly stop caring? Despite what one might say on the existence of them in general, it can not be argued that they exist for the sake of simply... existing. Because of tough enemies. Which pulls me out of the game world and makes me realize "I'm not playing a game" instead of "being svcked into it." I got svcked into Fallout 3. I got svcked into NV. I got svcked into 2 and Skyrim and Mass Effect. None of these games have this flaw on such a huge scale.

I'm not a svcker here. Ba-dum-tiss.

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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:12 pm

So really your issue is solely with the never ending prefix, or maybe one or two others.

Most of the prefixes can't be an issue for you. Some assist vats (unless vats is immersion breaking?), some increase damage or rof.

None can be any more physically implausible than a bouncing bullet.

And magic is just natural phenomena that is not yet explained. Supernatural is a term for phenomena that cannot be explain, ergo there are no supernatural phenomena, though what qualifies as magic is entirely subjective and at the mercy of what time in history you lived. Imagine humanity in 10,000 years.

Personally im glad for it. I was getting sick and tired of a fairly limited pool of unique weapons that would be the prime objective of any play through. Now you can get cool stuff However you play.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:05 pm

Again, that's a gameplay mechanic, not an item. It doesn't actually "exist" in the game world. but it gets away with that because it's not "shown" in the world as something that can be there for others in the game world. It's not even "shown" to the player.

I kill a Deathclaw. I search the body. The character sees the magic loot. A deathclaw with a gun? Ok, I can understand that gameplay mechanic. Infinite ammo and reload and no comments on it? Another can of tuna.

I stated all this before. Am I going to have to explain myself to everyone that doesn't bother to read the comments?

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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:03 pm

i think magic is bad for this game

some mods are good , realistic , like : vats enhanced , mighty , violent prefixes

but the " magic " mods are not fitting to the game , like freezing enemies / poisoner

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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:03 pm

The Loot RNG breaks immersion because it isn't contextual. I.E. Finding a pipe rifle in a Master Locked safe that clearly hasn't been opened since the bombs fell.

Someone needs make a mod that removes pipe weapons from high level safes.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:45 pm

This I don't have a real problem with though. Who knows if the safe has not been opened after the war and then been restocked by someone who found the code? A bit far-fetched maybe, but not impossible.

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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:14 pm

This pretty much sums up my experience with legendary enemies

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:29 am

You know what's immersion breaking?
Your character goes into cryo, wakes up long enough to witness his/her spouse getting shot and their son kidnapped, get refrozen and thawed out again due to a mechanical failure in what should feel like less than a minute in the character's head, proceed to go all Shaun Shaun Shaun, dash around the vault like a mad parent searching for his kid (as you should be), get outside and instead of continuing the whole mad parent thing...

promptly decide to have a genial conversation with your old robot butler outside your decaying house.

That... Deescalated quickly
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:31 pm

"Magic" weapons dont hurt my immersion in the slightest. Its not magic anyhow how hard is it to imagine certain gear has technology that gives it special qualities?
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:20 am

Depends on the special quality and whether the technology would make sense within the Fallout universe. Infinite ammo on an energy weapon that includes an in-game description of a self-recharging energy source? No problem. Weapon that turns conventional rounds into incendiary rounds with no in-game explanation? Still fine, though some in-game fluff to explain how it works would help. Infinite ammo in a conventional ballistic firearm? No way you can logic this one into the Fallout setting. It's "magic", and damages the integrity of the setting for those of us who care about that kind of thing.

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