***EDIT - roughly viable workaround found. Read below post #10 for my semi-ok workaround
So I love idea of having a search / spot light at various places in my settlements. But it seems this is a issue that affects everyone?
Symptom- place spot light / search light turret down - works perfectly and beams light. Go away, travel, reload game, whatever - next time your settlement is visited, spot lights are scanning back and forth but the light is no longer emitted.
Have seen other players post about this as well, but hadn't seen anyone come up with workaround. So two questions
1- does anyone NOT have this issue? e.g perfectly working, always light emitting spot lights?
2- if you do have issue, found any fix or workaround?
Only one I know is not a workaround by any stretch - if I pick up and put spot light back down again, the light shines. But that's not even a semi workaround. Same thing for turning off generators and then turning back on - that seems to 'reboot' the spot lights to shine again, but only for that one visit - always stops emitting light after going away from settlement.
**not spot light turret is turned off, just the beam of light is no longer visible or emits cone of light.