I don't get it why there are so many players moaning about Fallout 4. In my opinion, it's a fantastic game! Due to long working days (and because I'm too tired to play games during the week), I'm only 30 hours in the game or so. I haven't seen that much until now. But it definitely is a worthy Fallout title (to be honest, I began playing Bethesda games not until Fallout 3 was released, but I still count myself as a die-hard Bethesda-supporter now).
Please don't get me wrong: Critics are always welcome, as long as they are unprejudiced and objective. Take me for example: I don't like the new dialogue system, because you don't know what your character will say sometimes.
But nowadays you see so many complaining people out there. I often ask myself "What's just wrong with them?"
I guess you can split them up in 3 groups:
1.) People who generally complain about everything
Not much to do here
2.) People who likes to complain about specific companies or games
They should know, that I respect their opinion. But they need to understand, that we are not interested in repeatedly hearing how bad some games (or aspects of some games) are. To them: Please also respect that other people do see it different than you. Let them their joy and happiness in their boards, instead of spreading bad mood.
3.) People who haven't played Bethesda games before and didn't know how Fallout 4 "feels".
Clearly their fault. We are living in 2015 and it can be expected that everyone has information sources he/she can use to inform him-/herself about the game. I have to admit though that the media hype around Fallout 4 definitely attracted some players who have never played Fallout before. So maybe it's not their fault alone. But still, I wasn't surprised to read some negative critics from new people. Fallout has never been a game for everyone, and it probably will never be.
I'm running out of time right now (have to go to work). I would like to write much more of my thoughts. I really don't mean to say "Fallout 4 is 100% perfect" or "All people who don't think Fallout 4 is 100% perfect are bad", please understand. It's just that nowadays so many people are super-critical instead of just enjoying the game and respect the differences between companies and game series. I don't want Fallout to feel like Dragon Age or Witcher, and I don't want games like Dragon Age or Witcher like Fallout. If the time comes where every game feels the same, this will be the industry's death or at least my last years as a gamer. I like that there are still some companies out there (like Bethesda) who likes to do their own thing even though not everything is perfect.
Please feel free to add your thoughts / opinions. Maybe I'll add some lines later, maybe not. I just had the wish to express myself about the current state of the industry and videogamers.
(And sorry for my bad english...)