I don't get it (serious complain about some people)

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:58 am


I don't get it why there are so many players moaning about Fallout 4. In my opinion, it's a fantastic game! Due to long working days (and because I'm too tired to play games during the week), I'm only 30 hours in the game or so. I haven't seen that much until now. But it definitely is a worthy Fallout title (to be honest, I began playing Bethesda games not until Fallout 3 was released, but I still count myself as a die-hard Bethesda-supporter now).

Please don't get me wrong: Critics are always welcome, as long as they are unprejudiced and objective. Take me for example: I don't like the new dialogue system, because you don't know what your character will say sometimes.

But nowadays you see so many complaining people out there. I often ask myself "What's just wrong with them?"

I guess you can split them up in 3 groups:

1.) People who generally complain about everything

Not much to do here

2.) People who likes to complain about specific companies or games

They should know, that I respect their opinion. But they need to understand, that we are not interested in repeatedly hearing how bad some games (or aspects of some games) are. To them: Please also respect that other people do see it different than you. Let them their joy and happiness in their boards, instead of spreading bad mood.

3.) People who haven't played Bethesda games before and didn't know how Fallout 4 "feels".

Clearly their fault. We are living in 2015 and it can be expected that everyone has information sources he/she can use to inform him-/herself about the game. I have to admit though that the media hype around Fallout 4 definitely attracted some players who have never played Fallout before. So maybe it's not their fault alone. But still, I wasn't surprised to read some negative critics from new people. Fallout has never been a game for everyone, and it probably will never be.

I'm running out of time right now (have to go to work). I would like to write much more of my thoughts. I really don't mean to say "Fallout 4 is 100% perfect" or "All people who don't think Fallout 4 is 100% perfect are bad", please understand. It's just that nowadays so many people are super-critical instead of just enjoying the game and respect the differences between companies and game series. I don't want Fallout to feel like Dragon Age or Witcher, and I don't want games like Dragon Age or Witcher like Fallout. If the time comes where every game feels the same, this will be the industry's death or at least my last years as a gamer. I like that there are still some companies out there (like Bethesda) who likes to do their own thing even though not everything is perfect.

Please feel free to add your thoughts / opinions. Maybe I'll add some lines later, maybe not. I just had the wish to express myself about the current state of the industry and videogamers.

(And sorry for my bad english...)

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Nienna garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:06 pm

I wouldn't worry too much about it. It happens with every video game forum in existence. People just come to the forum to say how much they hate it. It doesn't help anyone because the people with actual and valid points are drowned out in the noise.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:33 pm

I'm enjoying the game Bethesda gave me. I knew what to expect, and agree, it's not perfect but it's still a whole lota fun!! (Read: Money well spent.)

I learned long ago not to over-hype myself and just play what they give me, and I have yet to be disappointed. Fallout or TES series.

I also agree people are welcome to their opinions, just be constructive about it rather than destructive. The amount of anger I've seen in posts (Leading to thread locks or post deletion.) is rather amusing, but kinda silly too. I mean the raging ranters not those with constructive opinions, to be clear.

I say enjoy it for what it is, not what it isn't, may be lacking, or whatever. It's a fun game. :shrug:

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Cody Banks
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:58 am

You forgot about Nr.4...People that complain because they are treated as a minority, and thus can't play the game, despite them having a much longer past time supporting Bethesda then you.

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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:57 am

Eh. It's that part of the cycle. The hate train. I wouldn't worry about it that much, the next few months will likely be spammed with irrational, illogical and just plain wrong broad sweeping accusations and hyperbole.

Some are haters, some are irrational, some are whiners, plenty just want to annoy actual fans and some are just plain crazy and quite a few are drug addicts with brain damage.

What are you smoking? Turns out that unsurprisingly the most common answer is pot.

I prefer sobriety myself.

Just ignore them as much as you can and focus on the positivity and awesomeness! Also point out and bring to light actual bugs, glitches, problems and issues so that they can be fixed.

The sad thing is that it tends to drown out legitimate complaints, you know, crying wolf.

Some key phrases to indicate when it can be wise to show indiffference: Wide as an ocean deep as a puddle, dumbing down, casuals, real/true fans, Fallout 2, Morrowind, New Vegas, X isn't in the game! (when X is in the game)

It's all buzz and weasel words. Anyone want to add to the list?

They do tend to repeat themselves, same old tired pattern.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:39 pm

Great post, I agree. I got the game and started it and just to slate my curiosity wondered what the critics and other players thought. Boy was I surprised. Far as I was concerned once again Bethesda knocked it out of the park and really delivered on meat and potatoes of what they make best. I am pissed about the settlements and what seems to be an almost schizophrenic way that they are attacked or not attacked. I can see what they were going for with it but they missed the mark on some stuff VERY badly. Which is ok if your an Indei developer not if your Bethesda though. But by and large Bethesda I thought did a great job, well worth my money.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:12 am

What's worse: complaining about a video game or complaining about people who complain about a video game?

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:11 am

Complaining about people voicing their opinion on a forum just because they don't hold the same opinion is petty.

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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:45 am

Is it important that you get it to play the game yourself? Oh so they can be sorted into categories ...

it's important to moan like on a slaveboat, while the game developers steer the boat, we slaves have to moan to get the boat going ...

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:29 am

ITT: Complaining about people complaining.

Don't even mention objectivity when you call yourself "die-hard Bethesda-supporter".

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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:00 pm

My complains are very well explained by the author of this article http://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-4-good-game-bad-rpg/

Other than that, I dont see why should you care if people complain. The game sold millions, we "the hate train" are a minority and even we dont "hate" FO4...most of us agree that is a great game, we only wanted that the franchise was going in a different direction.

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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:30 pm

I complain about this game all the time, just because I can't play it.

It has that whole freezing issue that Skyrim had as well. Two days in and decides to freeze/crash on the loading screen. Nothing that is recommended to fix it works, last time I had to wait for a patch/update. A company that doesn't fix the same game destroying bugs seen in previous games, aren't thinking about their customers.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:10 pm

I don't think it really matters because when people do make some actual constructive criticism they end up getting yelled at anyway and grouped together with the unreasonable folk just because someone dislikes something they like.

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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:57 pm

You're not suppose to complain; it's like nobles and servants, and when a noble farts, the servants are supposed to just smell it deeply while ignoring it! Else there's no point to nobility!

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:26 pm

That's a bit vague. Who's being oppressed now?
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Toby Green
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:36 pm

I am one of the rebellious ones with opinions.

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Amy Cooper
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:26 pm

I've never played the old Fallout games, but I've got several hundred hours logged in both FO3 and NV. FO4 is the least appealing to me, easily.

The RPG elements have been stripped down to practically nothing, I feel like my skills don't even matter. If I wanted to just play a post-apocalyptic shooter/looter, I'd play Borderlands.

The dialogue and character interactions have been stripped down, too. I hate the wheel. They don't give you nearly enough information on it to let you make an informed decision about the selection you're making. An uninformed decision is basically no decision at all, and that svcks.

Finally we come to the exploration. Fallout maps have really never been spectacles in and of themselves. The intrigue of exploring in 3 and NV, is that there were all sorts of interesting characters and side stories to discover. You never knew what you might find, if you took the time to investigate a given locale. You don't explore to "see" things in Fallout, you explore to "find" things. Fallout 4 doesn't have any of that, from what I can tell (granted, I still haven't explored most of the map). I have yet to discover anything that's anywhere near as cool as the Lottery vault in New Vegas, for example.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:07 pm

You must understand that some people were meant to rule others, so you really don't need your own opinions ... that shouldn't be a problem to any good soldier!

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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:03 am

Complaining about complaints really doesn't help anything.

Constructive criticism is useful and appreciated. Complaints/rants for the sake of complaining/ranting really doesn't help anything.

Since some posters have gone down the route of insults and flaming, this can close.

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