Crafting Questions

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:23 pm

Hey folks, hoping for some assistance with the crafting in the game as I can't work out fully what's going on.

It's mainly the way that the materials are used in the weapon and armour tables and also some aspects of the settlements.

First question -

Say I use a typewriter for the screws but there are other materials which were a part of the typewriter - do I lose the other parts or are they kept in my inventory? And if they are kept in my inventory where can I see how many of a certain thing I have without going into a weapon mod which will tell me how many of the necessary part I have.

Second question is, when I am building a settlement can I use the junk that's in my inventory or am I only using the things that I've scrapped?

Vice versa - can I use materials from things I've scrapped in my settlement for weapons and armour mods?

I love the game but I feel the settlement building is pretty hard to get started with so if appreciate any help or even links to building and crafting tutorials of any exist.

Thanks in advance!
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:27 am

Extra stuff is stored in workshop after scrapping.

Can't see totals except when crafting. No real need to do so, actually. Not grand totals, that is, which is what I think you are asking.

Components are just that - components. They get used for whatever you create. Doesn't matter where they came from.

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Josh Lozier
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:12 pm

Other materials from scrapped items end up in your workbench. There is a display bug where they don't show up right away, but testing has apparently confirmed that they do end up there.

If your junk is in your inventory, go to the Junk tab and press the button for Component View to see what components you actually have. Doesn't work in the Workshop, unfortunately, but it does work in your pip-boy.

Settlement building uses workshop first, then checks your inventory if the stuff you need isn't in the workshop. This also applies to modding weapons and armor.
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