I have the same Problem. Just finishing a Dungeon and then getting a Messsage that i failed to defend my Settlement. By 4 of 5 Settlement Attacks i dont even receive a Message only when its to late. pls fix
It does warn you via a text message but it can be incredibly easy to miss. It then registers in your miscellaneous quest log asking to defend the settlement but if you don't see the initial message then why would you check your log? Some more thought could have gone into warning you.
something needs to be done like a small HUD alert when a settlment is under attack , i've lost alof of settlement battles because i didin't see the message
Yup if you blink you'll actually miss the message. Really not very good for letting you know what's going on. Needs to stay on the screen for a couple of mins I'd say.
i agree. to an extent, I believe this has affected almost every fo4 player.
beth, please patch a notification in settlements or something more noticeable.
Wow that's scary to learn. I've worked so hard to build up settlement and havent even been to Diamond City yet. What about turrets? Do they really help? Are raiders taken out by them if well placed? And what about walls? Do they break them down - can raiders be funneled into one entrance if you are properly walled?
That's why I'm saving settlement building for last. There seems to be no reason to do it while I'm in the middle of exploring the world map. I always get the "attacked" message at the very worst times.. like when I'm in the middle of exploring a massive building. I'm not going to drop everything to go defend some dumb settlement. Luckily.. (at least it seems this way) All original settlers in a settlement can't be killed? Abernathy farms constantly gets attacked in my game. When my mission log states that I failed to protect it, my pip boy will then show that the population decreased from 3 to 2. But if I go back there.. there are still three people. My pipboy stats will then update back to showing that there are 3 people and the happiness rating and defense rating will then go back to whatever it was before it was attacked.
Hey Guys, What about turrets? Do they really help? Are raiders taken out by them if well placed? And what about walls? Do they break them down - can raiders be funneled into one entrance if you are properly walled?
Thanks shockwave - reading some pretty disappointing threads about no notification and spawning within settlements and coming home and everything is destroyed. This may be too much of a deal breaker for me as it's completely unrealistic and I've worked so hard on Sanctuary. Might be quitting the game.
Thanks for the encouragement. Do you think they would update PS4 or just PC?
They ought to make it so when this happens you get the Mission start animation, something like "Defend Sanctuary Hills" or something so there is no doubt what is going on. As it is right now, it's almost pure luck for me to get there in time unless it happens while I'm there.
I'm up to level 19 with 50+ hours played, have 8 settlements. I've only got one mutant attack, and I happened to be there with my power armor. The other attacks have been from raiders, which were easy pickings. I see raiders in Covenant practically every time I go there. I usually put turrets above ground if I can, such as on rooftops, so melee enemies can't get to them.
You will never remove attacks outright, but don't forget to make sure your defense stat is AT LEAST as much as food+water COMBINED to reduce them severely. It isn't enough to just put up defences until 'Defense' is no longer red.
IT is the consensus after focussing on this issue the last few days, turrets do NOT fire if you are not there. This is an incredibly HUGE bug that is sapping the life out of settlements. To have gates and walls and a resource management system then to have unrealistic spawning is just cruel. I hope they fix this.
I've never been notified of any attacks. Just "Hey this settlement needs our help" from Preston.