It's on the eastern coast, but north of Diamond City. IIRC it's on a peninsula north of the Boston Airport.
It is a nice settlement, lots of dirt for crops, plenty of water around so you can use the bigger pumps and lots of land.
I like spectacle island and covenant... spectacle island is obvious.. your own private island in the middle of the sea to build on... and covenant has prebuilt walls and a gate that closes itself after people use it...
Murkwater Construction is quite isolated in the central south area, the chirping of the insects can perhaps annoy you so I left it.
Coastal Cottage is my current abode in the north east, its fairly easy to build a clifftop style shack so think I'll be there a while.
it is not safe
enemy npc attacks it
enemy npc often kidnaps people
there is no safe settlement in this game
Well yes that's true, but it's safe in terms of passing traffic. Some settlements are so close to roads and passing traffic that they will be attacked (when my turrets open up on them) as they're walking past! Like County Crossing. You can actually stand on a corner of the green zone in that settlement and almost be shot at by the national guard gun turrets!!
Some settlements are very much safer than others over all.
I'll have to look for that beach one next on the list.
After last night's epic building spree, I have come to the conclusion that for the time being, my main forward operating base's are sanctuary hills, the slog and starlight drive in. I've put about 7 hour's into each one of these sites and they are booming. They are constantly attacked and my settler's refuse to give up any land to the incoming forces. Watching my base's get attacked from far away, while peering through a sniper scope is one of the most gratifying feeling's I've had in gaming this year. Battle's incur, and my settler's turn into soldiers of fortune. It's epic to watch them blow a squad of 10 feral ghouls out of existence or take on an attacking gunner brigade.
My current project, Tenpines, is going to end up being a central trading post. One big two story shack to house provisioner's that are traveling in between Sanctuary and the Slog.
On another note, If your reading this, and haven't decided to build a settlement in the game yet because you may feel a little intimidated or frustrated. My advice to you is to start small. Spend a little time here and there on a settlement. Sooner or later it will come to fruition. Bethesda said that settlement building isn't supposed to be a fully necessary component of the game. But from my experience so far, it is turning out to be one of the most essential thing's to do in the game. At least for myself and my play style.
I quite love the castle, i am tweaking the cement floor and such to close the gaps in the broken down walls and placed my generators at the rear of the compound near the water pumps behind the castle and placed 1 more pump next to it.
Currently putting 1 platform at the back of the compound near the pumps so i can place 4 generators at the back, running power cables to the upper area of the castle wall to get power to the front entrance that points towards the bridge leading to the special testing area, that provides you with the ability the castle will provide later on, at the rear water way entrance from the small area i am going to make a semi inlet of defensive measures and watering option for their caravans.
Upper wall can be used for food options, rooms in the castle can be used as bedding options for settlers and main courtyard area can be used for the trading booths.
And a good way to keep track of what settlers you have assigned to something get them special clothes that make them stand out once you have assigned them that is, once you get above 12 settlers it can become hard to figure out who is assigned to a position.
Good idea! I've been collecting mining helmet's for my settler's that are stationed at guard post's. They have a head lamp on top so at night they illuminate and you can see them when your coming up on a settlement.
I ignored it and it gets attacked all the time. So watch out for super muties, they can come out of nowhere.
probably from the army base just down the road that they own!