So, after reading what people said, the answer is "Bethesda doesn't know how program" then.
I love Bethesda, but I love making Todd be accountable since he can hype up the game. Watching the previews he showed, (could be wrong there,) but I am sure when watching a preview and since they are suppose to be using the ingame engine, you can clearly see when in 3rd person the gun was on his back when holstered.
So yes it was done. I guess Bethesda just can't programme a game and do their job properly anymore. Come on Todd. I dare you, DARE you for an explanation now. You sure love to spew it out, so how come the lack luster not promised in game features you showed?
I Love Bethesda, love their games, haven't played Fallout 4 much yet, but liking it so far, but will be harsh on Todd when he doesn't deliver what he says.