To the developersprogrammers and Todd Howard (A Request)

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:38 am

This is directly for the staff that worked on the game and I want an answer directly from them if you can get them in here for a moment. Otherwise, please point me to the forum/message board that they frequent where I can discuss this with them directly.

My request is as follows: Can we please get access to console commands for the console versions of Fallout 4 within the next few patches or ASAP? (Especially for the PS4, which is the console I am playing it on.) I know that this is possible, considering that very few games allowed console commands. One such example is Two Worlds II on Xbox 360/PS3. Supposedly, there was also a way to bring up the console commands on Skyrim for Xbox 360, at least.

I am certain this is feasible and possible, even if you have to place restrictions/limitations on it. Although I would not prefer that to be the case, but if means getting console commands on the PS4 version, then I am more than happy to deal with that.

You may include a legal disclaimer and agreement that must be accepted that basically says the player/user will use the console commands at their own risk and if necessary, you may also disable trophies/achievements for either the entire playthrough or just the current session.

There are many benefits to this. Such as (But not limited to) players being able to fix their own quest bugs (And any other bugs fixable by doing thing in the console command) as well as breath more life and replay value into the game after beating it. And, of course, for fun- Such as doing a 'cheat' playthrough after beating the game legitimately.

As I don't have a PC that can run this game, nor am I close to being able to afford one any time soon or for a long while- It is my hope that this request will be taken under serious consideration.

Thank you sincerely for your time!

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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:27 pm

Good luck.

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evelina c
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:12 pm

Thank you.

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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:33 pm

The console will not be on consoles. Sony/Microsoft won't allow it.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:15 am

it might happen when mods are available for the consoles but I doubt it would happen.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:51 am

Is there an official source on this being said by either company? I have never heard such a thing having been announced. A simple link to an official statement by either will do.

I'm thinking the same thing.

I'm a long way from being able to afford a PC that can run this game, otherwise I was actually going to get this on Steam until they finally announced the system specs and I found out that my computer isn't good enough. I really thought my laptop would be able to run it on low, at the very least since it can handle GTA V/Online on low and that's a pretty intensive game.

I wish I could get an official answer on this from the development staff themselves as this is something I really want to see happen so I don't know need to worry about saving up forever to build a gaming PC. The keyboard works with Fallout 4 on PlayStation 4 (Which is what I have the game for), but only in an extremely limited/restrictive capacity.

If they need to place certain limits and restrictions (Such as hard capssafeguards) on certain commands or make certain commands unavailable, then that's fine by me, so long as we still get access to some. Things like adding a lot of caps or XP or something like fixing a quest bug should be do about within the console limitations without problem.

Bethesda say they are modding friendly and like to listen to their fans, well this is me being a fan and making a request that I'd like them to listen to.

I think they could go a long way in doing so, perhaps enough to even outdo a certain company that released a certain open world RPG.

Thank you for your time.

Note that I am nott saying this should take priority over their fixing of bugs a all. No, that comes first, ALWAYS. But it would be nice to have pretty soon and not years later.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:57 pm

i suspect your certainty is misplaced.

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brian adkins
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:43 am

Short answer: No.

Long answer: As stated by Bethesda's vice president of PR & marketing, and despite its presence in the game, the console is neither recommended nor supported, even in the PC version. You may find the complete discussion on Twitter

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:29 pm

I've posted this in

I believe the reason the console is disabled on consoles boils down to one thing: the console can be used to access files on the system. Regardless of how limited that access is, it is a red flag for software on consoles.

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