This is directly for the staff that worked on the game and I want an answer directly from them if you can get them in here for a moment. Otherwise, please point me to the forum/message board that they frequent where I can discuss this with them directly.
My request is as follows: Can we please get access to console commands for the console versions of Fallout 4 within the next few patches or ASAP? (Especially for the PS4, which is the console I am playing it on.) I know that this is possible, considering that very few games allowed console commands. One such example is Two Worlds II on Xbox 360/PS3. Supposedly, there was also a way to bring up the console commands on Skyrim for Xbox 360, at least.
I am certain this is feasible and possible, even if you have to place restrictions/limitations on it. Although I would not prefer that to be the case, but if means getting console commands on the PS4 version, then I am more than happy to deal with that.
You may include a legal disclaimer and agreement that must be accepted that basically says the player/user will use the console commands at their own risk and if necessary, you may also disable trophies/achievements for either the entire playthrough or just the current session.
There are many benefits to this. Such as (But not limited to) players being able to fix their own quest bugs (And any other bugs fixable by doing thing in the console command) as well as breath more life and replay value into the game after beating it. And, of course, for fun- Such as doing a 'cheat' playthrough after beating the game legitimately.
As I don't have a PC that can run this game, nor am I close to being able to afford one any time soon or for a long while- It is my hope that this request will be taken under serious consideration.
Thank you sincerely for your time!