Poor people steal each other's shoes, go through each other's bags regardless whether you are sleeping close by! Even if "your" settlers are extremely loyal, there could be visitors. Don't they steal anything from the player character?
Poor people steal each other's shoes, go through each other's bags regardless whether you are sleeping close by! Even if "your" settlers are extremely loyal, there could be visitors. Don't they steal anything from the player character?
That could lead to some dialog where a settler explains to a child "Just don't steal from that man ..."
I roleplay that stuff that falls through the world was actually stolen...
But then in a rival settlement some raiders that already knew about the man from 200 years ago and already have failed to raid his settlement came upon an idea: "Why not just enter that settlement as a friendly visitor and go look for his goodies! Since we don't live there, he'll never find us .... gickle!!"
If they did steal from me they'd get enough guns, grenades, and mines to take out a small country from my Red Rocket Settlement. Also if they carried fusion cores they'd have a army of Power Armor to take too, but they'd have to go through one hell of a turret defense to get to all my stuff.
But then inside your Red Rocket Settlement there was this settler with a weak character, who'd sell out his mom for a good bottle of whisky. And he was persuaded to turn off your turret generators at the right moment, so with some trickery they got away with half your stuff!
No no, he was not scared at you at all, because he had good friends among the other settlers, after all to this drunkard it was more like a practically joke, that some of the hero's precious possessions got stolen! So in the end you began to look for hiding places for your goodies instead ...
Didn't experience any of that before using the workbench as storage.
So all settlers automatically know any inventory inside the whole settlement; they do not have to stumble upon it?
It's not like the game is telling you, that the "workbench" is the player's private storage and that building a private house is useless.
It's nice that all settlers are perfect inhabitants and leave all stuff in workbench untouched. Not even the suppliers between settlements score bits of their transports. How innocent.
Settlers often nick my power armour, raiders too! I've moved mine to a roof top you have to jump on to avoid people nicking it