Wish there was save settlement building layout option

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:55 pm

Still on first full playthrough after 4-5 aborted starts early to mid game, so already feel the pain a bit, but while looking dorward to 2nd PT with diff build, etc - would really, really like a save building layout template.

Kinda like how there are a couple prefabs in build menu, I'd lkke to be able to add my own built house or structure as a 'pre fab' for instant use later - either at different settlement, or in different plythrough.

Obviously, lkke the existing prefabs you need to have the space and materials. Just want the option to not have to rebuild from scratch certain basic layouts or even entire full building with carpets, tables, etc. at minimum I'd like the oiter structure saved like existing pre fabs. Ideally the entire structure plus contents.
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Cathrin Hummel
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