Armor layer system

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:44 pm

I was wondering how you guys felt about the layered armor system. When I heard about it prior to release, it really excited me, and there are still many things I like about it, but overall it feels like it needs a bit more polish before it is something that would say feels "right". Aesthetically, the armor combinations all seem too bulky, especially the combat armor. The heavy variants are obviously the worse offenders, but they are also the only ones that feel complete, with the lighter variants mainly being just modified versions of the heavy forms (I suppose you could think about it the other way as well). It makes sense that the layered system can only work with certain armors, but the ones that can be used with it exhibit odd clipping sometimes, which is to be expected, but still disappointing. Furthermore, it seems like certain armors and layers were meant to be used together, so if you deviate outside of those obvious pairings you get odd looking results (raider leathers and raider armor, BOS suits with combat armor, etc.). I know that isn't true per se, but I feel like the combat armor looks particularly bulky when used without wearing the super form fitting BOS armor.

Honestly, with the way the system worked out, I wish they would have just made individual sets of armor customizable. So say we have a suit of combat armor and you can customize whether you have long sleeves or short, the color of the armor pieces, the symbol on the chest, the color of the under suit, the types of armor pieces equipped, and whatever else you might dare to dream. Now extend that to metal armor, leather armor, etc. I realize the dream was to be able to choose what you wanted underneath and customize from there, but it feels like having them separate just made a bunch of problems. With mods being able to be ported to consoles, I hold out hope we will be able to see fixes to these things, but it remains to be seen what solutions modders will take.

I also was a little underwhelmed with the options we had, which admittedly can be expanded through dlc. I would love to be able to see non-armor based mods, like jackets over clothes or what have you. Kind of expanding on that idea as well, it would be great to have a permanent undergarment; such as your vault suit or the undershirt with jeans or whatever, and then have stuff layered on top of that, that could be damaged and require repair at an armor station. Ideally, it would be a system where your underclothes are things that provide no armor or resistances but just give boosted special. Then you could throw an armored outfit (like spike armor) on top of that and you would only see the spike armor but you would get both effects and when your armor broke you'd just be in your clothes. I would also like to see adjustable armor, like pieces of armor that have hood options or what have you that you can toggle on and off. So for the spike armor, I could go into my inventory and toggle the hood variant and then untoggle it to have the plain one.

Just some ideas. I think they have a really solid idea and foundation but it doesn't go nearly far enough imo. Which is one of those things right? How much is enough, when is it good enough. I think mods have the ability to really flesh this out and I look forward to them, but I was curious what everyone else thought. Sorry about the huge post!

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Soraya Davy
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:51 pm

I'd like to see more options for gear that can be worn under the armor. For the more sneaky types it would be nice if the lighter armor was less bulky. These things I see being added in dlc's and modding though. overall I like it.

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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:35 am

I just wish there were more options. For example, the Drifter armor appearance. I love that, but it is a "complete" set of armor. I do not believe you can even mod it at the bench. Layering armor over the Vault suit, Road Leathers, or other clothes makes for a better armor experience. One option that was missed is to have Vault Security Armor be a Vault suit with layered pieces over it. Not sure why that obvious addition was skipped over. I would even love to see a Vault themed light combat armor set (sort of like the BoS).

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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:38 pm

yeah i want more armors to wear under it, the mod is nice but since it wasnt made for it it clip alot.

My biggest problem with armor is the chest layer, for Metal and Sythn ones, i mean i was having problem with combat armor till i re-watch the intro and u see that soldier using the combat armor and pretty much is exoskeleton type of armor, after u get the heavy combat armor it look alot nicer.

Still the system is a nice step forward i just cant imagine how this system can play a huge part on ES series with all the different types of armor there. And yeah i think they will improve it over DLC or add more option to it, same goes for the PA system, i think we going to see other PA trow DLC.

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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:12 pm

I'm from the TES side and the slot sytem in Fallout still svcks. If you have such a condem-like clothing system you need at least a great variety of clothing which I don't see. What annoys me the most is that you don't have a feet/shoes slot. But it's a big improvement from the earlier Fallout games of course. I hope for more variants from DLC, especially tribal clothing and armor.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:28 pm

I carry a couple of Charisma-boosting clothing items that my character slips into when she wants to be charming. That's easy - I have them hotkeyed, so it's just a couple of keypresses.

What's not so convenient is putting the armour back on afterwards - including the helmet, that's seven items to re-equip.

What I'd like is a "combine into outfit" option in your Inventory screen which combines all your current armour pieces and underlayer into a single inventory item, and maybe give it a custom name. That would make it a lot quicker to swap clothing sets, and even to carry multiple specialised armour sets if you have the carrying capacity.

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lucile davignon
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:38 pm

I honestly thought when they announced the Layered Armor System (LAS) back during E3, that there would also be armors like in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I am really disappointed in the LAS system, and that this is how the armors are now. Now, to be fair t's an interesting system, but I would have preferred an armor system where I could take, say Raider Badlands Armor, to an armor bench, and make improvements to the armor, like the way it was with Skyrim. If you had an armor set that you wanted to improve and make better, and you had the necessary materials, then you just go to the Armor bench and make it better.

The way it is now, is, you have armor pieces and cloths, and you can only mod the armor pieces. Most, if not all, cloths, you can't do a bloody thing with. The sole exception being the Vault Suit. You can mod the jumpsuit, but you can't mod any of the other cloths. There's an outfit called Road Leathers( which looks like the Merc Adventurer Outfit from Fallout 3 and New Vegas) that's become my favorite suit, and I can't mod it. And that irritates me. There are materials we collect out in the wasteland, such as cloth and leather, why can't we use these materials to mod our clothing in addition to our armor.

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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:05 pm

Hopefully modders will handle this, but the GECK won't come out for what? Another year?

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Chloe Mayo
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