[Suggestion] Settlement upgrades

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:49 pm

A settler task I like to be seen added is having them be able to repair the houses that I can't tear down. Like in Sanctuary.

Also I would like to have a lawn service to clean up that grass so when I put a floor on it it doesn't stick up through it.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:58 pm

I just want things like assigning a settler as "handyman", that will clean up weeds, rubble, and automatically repair crops/turrets that have been damaged in raids (providing I have the materials, if not he will complain about it lol).

Also those fab manikins, why can't I set a few up to display my clothes/armour sets? And why can't I put my weapons on a rack like they do in the intro slides?

And why can't I assign Synths/BOS to the guardposts?

There IS already a settler assignment thing, if you hover over a settler in build mode, it will highlight them AND the crops they tend AND the bed they sleep in. Granted, in a complex walled settlement its almost impossible to see that stuff, so a better way is needed.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:31 pm

I'd prefer settlers granted a random name when they join a settlement. It would be neat if there were say six different personalities and they would be randomly assigned one which would effect player interaction with them and some jobs being suited to certain personalities.

Settlers use food instead of it being abstract. It would for one give a real use for all those fancy lad cakes and another would allow for raiders to actually take resources that mattered rather than just break stuff because of a rng roll.

Allow settlers to be assigned to a patrol and ordered to patrol between two locations which would keep the supply linked. Not setting hip patrols could lead to supply runs and caravans gettin picked off.

Allow settlers to be assigned to patrols and ordered to clear an area, wipe out all raiders or super mutants, or synths, or gouls- feral or otherwise.

Allow settlers to be assigned to raiding parties and told to attack and raid other settlements. They can be ordered to come back with food, water, fuel, or other settlers to use as slaves.

The ability to craft gun powder at the chemistry station and ammunition at the weapon station. Require NPC s to use ammo.

The need to keep your generators supplied with fuel alcohol which can be made using a still and the Tato or mutfruit.

If happiness drops and a settlement leaves it grows on its own and requires being taken over again (or just becomes a raiding target.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:40 pm

m) Assigning settlers to their preferred activity increases happiness; for example the easiest thing to do for the player would be to make the settlement policy a hierarki. Then he/she would only need to assign all jobs to a work poster and after that to get a settlement manager. The manager would then put settlers to work. But it might not be the happiest.

It might be better if the player listened to the settlers' preferred activity and then perhaps send some to another settlement where it could happen. If the settlement policy is autonomy, settlers would self pick a job and then ask the player about it.

n) There should be some sort of a workboard (perhaps to construct) that when clicked it will show a paper that list names and their assignments. But it can be upgraded to a computer, so their assignments can be changed on the computer.

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