I'm ~100 hours in. I ended up starting over again because there's just -something- missing and I'm not sure what it is.
I play FO4 like I did Skyrim & NV: explore every building I come across, try & discover as much as I can w/o looking up outside-of-game resources.
This tends to get me most of my xp from killing things & activities like picking locks rather than quest xp boosts, and I usually end up "overleveled" relative to the main story quests, if I manage to do those at all.
I'm playing on the hardest difficulty if that matters.
Playthrough 1 I spent the better part of 80h building massive forts and being disappointed by the settlement system. I took perks to make my settlements cool & they put my stats all over the place, so I restarted.
I'd planned on doing a high str/end/luck build with some agi/per for crits. I've also never really been a fan of VATS, for built in accuracy/missing reasons and because it feels like a disruption of natural game flow for weird matrixy dice rolls. So I was a little disappointed a lot of the high end perks are directly tied to VATS.
For these sorts of RPGs I always feel like securing passives that decrease reliance on consumables, and ones that prevent you from being locked out of content are important. Rather than damage perks straight off, I usually beeline for carry weight, the lone adventurer CHR perk, adamantium skeleton, lockpicking, terminal hacking, and any sort of perk that's better to get early rather than later. Since I was planning Luck with low Int, I went Idiot Savant, which is more powerful the less Int you have.
But like hold up a sec. While the game does make it possible to bypass situations where you have insufficient lockpicking or hacking capabilities via other means, there's often a lot of treasure caches or cool secret things that are locked behind one/both. Terminal hacking is in the Int tree, like 4 points deep or so. Then there's the fusion core stuff for power armor. I'm mixed feelings on this - they both do seem like science-related perks and thus belong in the INT category but it also feels like you're required to get hacking maxed out if you want to explore as much as possible. That is, that any build intending to fully experience the game will be locked into the same collection of base perks. Damage preferences might vary.
The armor / weapon upgrade perks fall into this too. You're perfectly capable of playing the game only using what drops, but it feels needlessly bland at the same time. Playing with settlements and a str build, and then needing 6 pts in INT for the Gun Nut & Science perks is just demoralizing when you're trying to build a cool fort. Sure, turrets are a sciency robotic marvel, but why lock specific elements of a core gameplay system to 1 specific trait?
One of my friends really loves his power armor + souped up gatling laser. I find it cumbersome and restrictive. Being unable to use unarmed melee weapons and feeling sluggish doesn't really suit me. But again, the perk to make Power Armor svck less (via lengthened fusion core duration) is 9 pts deep in INT, and even something like Medic seems like it'd be better suited to END. I don't know, it feels like there's too much being gated behind it. Perception 4 for lockpicking is the only other true gate, none of the other stats restrict gameplay by not having them to the degree INT does.
That is, INT has so much inside it on top of the boosted xp rate that it feels like it can't be skipped and you're effectively pidgeonholed into taking it if you want to get the most out of the game. Idiot Savant is crazy good xp at 1 Int, but the Luck tree has nowhere near the same potency that the Int perks do.
Anyways, on to the combat.
Early on I felt like guns were worthless. You'd shoot at a guy and despite being practically point blank range, the attack misses because of built in accuracy. That's not a surprise, other Bethesda games were like that too, it's just "well okay then". So melee quickly became preferable because it consumes no ammo, has no accuracy issues, and forces the enemies to either block or get hitstunned - both of which mean they're no longer actively trying to shoot me which is great because I die in like 2-3 hits.
My first playthrough I got ~6-8 levels off of crafting Sanctuary before I wandered south and ended up in the Boston Commons around lvl 11-12. Weapon upgrades at this point were mostly a series of crappy guns I discarded instantly, 1 good 10mm pistol (high accuracy, dot sight), a shottie, and various melee weapons like tire irons and whatever off the raiders that vastly increased my survivability. I happened across a certain lake and it's super mutant inhabitant, and after much kiting, managed to kill it.
I love that fist weapon. But at the same time it feels so stagnant. The customization of legendary weapons is like nonexistant. There's only 2 upgrade options on that, and it came with puncturing already on it. The other upgrade (energy dmg) isn't an upgrade because armor pen is crazy good. So because of the advantages of melee, and a weapon that has both armor pen and increasing dmg/hit, I haven't found a suitable replacement for it and I'm lvl 36 now. 25+ levels of the same weapon simply because there's nothing better, and modded non-legendary melee weapons don't even compare. I picked up a Super Sledge from somewhere else, and it's .. okay.. but still doesn't really compare because it's so slow and doesn't maintain hitstun as well. This fist is only like 45 dmg? But it's still strong enough that it 1-3 hits most enemies. There's only been a few bosses where it's taken a few more hits, but then when you add in chems and the fact that I have 0 dmg perks slotted... I can only imagine how imba it'll be if I slot +100% and the 3rd tier of Lone Wanderer.
That is, gameplay stagnates because all the other options available don't compare. Headshotting some dude with a .50 cal sniper rifle only for it to take off ~30% of his hp? Np, lemme just tap him with a block of rebar and watch the giblets fly.
Guns feel so weak in comparison. I've seen pics of like, 400 dmg energy weapons fully perked out, but like.. idk. I don't seem to get guns above 40-50 dmg (shotties). I found some 160 dmg gamma pistol from a Child of Atom, but the damage is so unreliable as it's radiation-based and still pales vs melee. Stuff like miniguns and flamers require too much of an ammo/weight investment to do comparable destruction. So I've mostly just been using an unlimited capacity shotgun for ohcrap kiting, my trusty Fat Man, a hardened 10mm pistol for popping turrets + suicide mutants, and the good ol' power fist. It just feels like so much of what you find is just utterly ignorable. I have no use for caps, I'm already at like a zillion stimpacks / radaway saved up.
Idk. I don't regret the purchase, I've enjoyed myself quite a bit so far, it just feels needlessly restrictive, even if I'm poor at articulating why.