Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:34 am

So besides the other 50+ somewhat minor bugs in my 230 hours + of this game.. I am now level 103 , and this is starting to feel overwhelming and quite frankly ridiculous.

I've been gun playing all game, all perk points in everything besides strength for late game..

I'm now at late game , have strength level 9 level 4 big leagues and a perk point...

EVERY SINGLE TIME I put the damn perk point in to big leagues for the sweet "double damage" and satisfying animations, my damages GETS REDUCED DAMAGE BY WHAT SEEMS HALF!! , SO my super sledge doing 383 /+71 damage, does freaking 109/31 damage now ? WTF not just that ALL my Melee weapons got halved ?

quickly; bug #2 , QUEST: in the prydwen endgame you get TWO .. ONLY TWO . Radiant quest , well yippie , the "squire" support mission lancer kells is SUPPOSE to give you bugged out after I did it ONCE , now he just repeats dialogue over and over with no options to choose..

EASY ASS MOTH----ing fixes..

SOLUTION 1: simply type the RIGHT numbers in for the freaking damage multiplicative.

SOLUTION 2: HAVE A "RESET NPC" option INGAME to stop all these bugs in the dialogue AND their spawning because both are TEDIUS.

Sorry for my rant but really there are waaaaaaay too many bugs in this game , these 2 are NOTHING
compared to how many I've actually experienced in the mindless amounts of hours I put into the game, but these 2 are literally game breaking.. (For me) and Anyone else trying to efficiently play a "Melee character"

TL:DR : big leagues perk RANK 5/5 actually DECREASES your damage by half.
Lancer kells squire mission is bugged. Heavily.
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