[Game Breaking - New] Valentine Detective Agency

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:25 am

So I know that the fall through world bug has been discussed ad nauseam, but after doing extensive searching, I can't find it affecting anybody in such a major was as it is myself.

When I enter Valentine's Detective Agency to begin the "Getting a Clue" quest line, you can see the bug begin to present itself. The chair Valentine is supposed to sit in will glitch over to the door, and sometimes if you load a different save and enter it doesn't appear to, but there is still an invisible object blocking the front of the door. You can't see it, but you run into it and are stopped by it. If you begin the quest, everything seems OK, but when you return from the quest to turn it in you fall through the floor.

I only really see this mentioned happening at the Cambridge Police Station which I am not experiencing. This is so much more upsetting though because it's the MAIN quest line! I've been doing tons of side quests and faction quests but I'm level 30 and haven't completed "Getting a Clue"!

I just wanted to make sure Bethesda was aware this is happening in such a critical part of the game as well as side areas. And yes, I have tried multiple different saves, I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and I've also checked back with the quest multiple times as I level up and progress through the world. The same bug always presents itself and I can't seem to get around it.

PLEASE fix this. Otherwise I paid 60 dollars for a game I literally can't beat.

Anyone else experiencing this?

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Anna Watts
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