Even though I really like the game, I am one of those people who also have issues with it (voiced dialogue, less choices etc etc)
But if there is one thing that really shines in Fallout 4 compared to all the previous games, and that it is the music. And by the music I mean the ambient music, not the radio music.
I understand this is subjective also of course, but there are some choice of music in this game that are just genious. Especially on the east/bottom side of the map there seems to be more of this very pleasant tunes with accordion mixed in. Have anyone else also noticed this and how good it actually fits in a very strange way to the game? It really gives it an unique feel to the game.
Also there is one tune that playes for a while in a certain area after a major plot event that is also totally fantastic, I won't spoil when or what happens, but just the subtle music changing in this area to this new music is easy the most emotional element in the game. If anyone know what part I talk about, and have a link to this music on youtube etc you would be more then welcome to pm it to me! Or the accordion tunes I speak about!