Meh, I find that a two-shot vanilla 10mm picked off a legendary enemy delivers more.
two-shot beats everything. It's moronic IMO.
I just got the unlimited ammo plasma pistol...which quickly became a plasma MG
Can't get over the Overseer's Guardian. Fully modded there's no other gun there for me: can shoot 4 times in VATS with full AP, no recoil, can snipe or hip fire.
Fully modded Lucky auto shotgun, nothing can withstand a critical to the face from that thing.
Maybe someone could answer this for me, this shotgun is honestly an absolute beast - easily out performs my fully modded rifles so I can only assume it is getting some damage boosts from my Rifleman perks because I have a non automatic barrel installed but I cannot find anything to confirm this. If not then it means shotguns are left without any damage boosting perks, then again if this gun is not being boosted then they really don't need them!!
I assume that the barrel dictates which perk affects them?
I've reached end game and so far my Favourite is the Overseer's Guardian. It's powerful af and not too over the top.
Right now I'm having a hard time deciding if I like my 10mm silenced gun the most or my combat rifle (Overseer's Guardian, I have modded it a lot).
The 10mm is a lot of fun, but using the combat rifle spewing out death and destruction is as much fun as the more stealthy 10mm. Mmm.. Hard descision.
You- I- what?
Plasma shafted? I'm confused. Plasma has some of the highest DPS in the game short of a gauss rifle. It does half of each damage type, so it's good against everything; has higher base damage than lasers; can end up with truly ridiculous RoF... plasmathrower melts enemies as if they were tissue paper doused in gasoline. Plasma automatic rifle is even more brutal - something like 18000 with a DPS calculator modded into my game - but eats ammo like nothing else. It's the only weapon class that's still overpowered despite having fewer mods than its counterparts. That said, for some strange reason, I have all weapon perks maxed save for Heavy Gunner and melee, and a plasma thrower PISTOL has higher DPS than the rifle for whatever reason.
Edit: Ontopic - see my sig. Should be obvious. That said, I bring a ton of guns; Deliverer is definitely amazing, Overseer is great, but as of late I've been cheating legendary modifiers onto things... so, Lucky Alien Blaster to replicate that old-school crit weapon feel, for starters.
I'm not that far in the game yet, but I generally carry about 3 weapons with me. Usually 2 sniper rifles of sorts, and a combat shotgun (all modified). My combat shotgun currently deals around 130dmg, then I have a .50cal sniper rifle, and finally OverSeer's Sniper Rifle (from vault 81) that is my go to .45 rifle (it also shoots additional ammo at once)