LightboxPixel Art Question (max size, bldg reqs, etc.)

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:59 pm

Hey all,

So I'm trying to build myself a piece of pixel art in the game after seeing some of the cool designs out there. However, I've become acutely aware of the obscene power requirements to do this (which also means a lot of copper/nuclear material for the bigger power generators). A few questions for you settlement experts - a note that I'm playing on PS4 and so only wish to do this UNMODDED as is supported by the original game please:

- Is there anyway to cheapen the power requirements (perk or kind of generator I'm not familiar with yet), or is 9 or so blocks about the best I can do per generator?

- Does anyone know the *unmodded* max size (number of lightboxes) you can reasonably do? I've downsized my initial design significantly (from around 260!), but I'm still going to need like 120 (maybe a few less) to pull it off. That should mean around 14 generators. (It might be 13 - I am powering a computer, so maybe I can do 10 blocks of power for each).

- Is there a finite amount of copper/nuclear material in the world, and will I be hampering ability to craft weapons/armor/etc. later in the game if I go through with this? Or can I always get more in areas that repopulate (ie. raider locations) /from vendors?

Thanks much!

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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:19 pm

I think if you buy from vendors you can get an infinite amount of copper nuclear material, also I am pretty sure you can get nuclear material from certain animal parts and such.

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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:40 am

Awesome thanks! That was my main worry in trying! =)

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Devils Cheek
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