To avoid spoilers since this is in a spoiler free section i'm just going to say...maybe
They don't die... only non named settlers died. 3 have died so far in my 12 settlements and 100 peeps. RIP Kanye and Kim. The third was an ash pile so I can't tell who it was.
I thought you said named settlers don't die. So why the "RIP Kanye and Kim"?
Sorry. I name my settlers when they arrive to the settlement. I have a notebook full of their names and what helmet or sack they're wearing. Is it strange I have an emotional connection to my people? Funny that Kanye and KIm died though.
I don't think you can but I wish you could. I'd name mine Farmer1, Farmer2, Farmer3, etc. so I can keep track of the bloody blokes.
Until a patch comes out to fix this, you can keep up with specific settlers by renaming a piece of clothing or weapon they're equipped with based on their job, "farmer bob, scrapper dike, bartender betty" etc, coupled with using similar clothing.
The lack of a naming feature is one of my few real gripes.
Named settlers apparently can die, though it seems very rare, lost Lucy Abernathy to a mutant assault.