And give your spouse a proper burial or something?
Nah, let's just leave them in a fridge...right? And maybe eat them later?
And give your spouse a proper burial or something?
Nah, let's just leave them in a fridge...right? And maybe eat them later?
This thought crossed my mind too..."yeah I'll just leave her frozen corpse there and focus on getting a new wife".
I placed Shauns crib in the middle of the road in Sanctuary. Then I built a ring of chairs around it so everyone can sit and mourn the Lone Wanderers Lost Child and Husband!
Truth is, my character doesn't care about her child either. Unless you want to breeze through the main quest, they kind of come over as uncaring and out for personal gain.
Sound like what the Kims in North Korea would do. You already walked the whole mile with the chairs.
I'll post a screenshot of it when I get home from work! I hope I can get any of the settlers to sit there as well since they are kind of unwillingly to do that from time to fime!
Yeah, I kind of feel that if I really cared for my child/the mainstory I would probably rush to find it, not building settlements for Preston or becoming an BoS or whatever.
I'm sure the proletariat is genuinely grief stricken by your loss.
They're probably free spirits and don't want to worship you and your family.
Hey, if they don't like it, they can go to Russia!
Probably because the writers know most players don't actually give a crap about the random spouse that you see for 5 minutes in the beginning of the game before they die.
I still can't figure out why they killed her and turned the cryotube back on. I expected to wake up to a skeleton.
As promised, pictures of the Shrine of Shaun:
Of course I could not get the stupid settlers to sit around so me and Cait had to do all the sitting!
Because apparently they could not turn off/on just one cryo tube.....otherwise they would have just thawed out the spouse and Shaun and let you sleep until they needed you. But then they wouldn't have had a pretext to murder everyone else in the Vault because evil.