Power Armor Crafting

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:51 pm

Not sure if this would be feasible or even worth it, but is there any way that additional power armor crafting could be done? I noticed there is a Mod for the Power Fist to add a Deathclaw hand to it (saw it in a loading screen once).

In Skyrim we could make Dragon armor or Daedric armor to include:

-Synth Power Armor- Harvested from larger Synth Titan or Synth Gargantuan (these are generic names, nothing in game at the moment) that when killed you can harvest their armor to add to a power armor frame.

-Deathclaw Power Armor- Harvest the parts from a Deathclaw to add to the power armor frame, gives additional melee damage but due to the harvesting process your "leather" power armor isn't as strong (to prevent being too over powered).

--Hell, there HAS to be better use of the Deathclaw hide, and hands vs. making steaks and a power fist. Can't make that leather into better armor in general?

-Nuka Cola Power Armor- Power armor that was used before the war to make people a human forklift (those Nuka Cola cases are heavy). Gather the armor parts from various Nuka Cola factories to complete the set, runs on Fusion Cells infused with Nuka Cola Quantum for extended run time.

-Juggernaut Power Armor- Once you find a magic ruby ... ok... that's B.S., but would still look pretty cool.


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Tina Tupou
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