Fallout 4 Appreciation Thread

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:53 pm

Fallout 4 has no shortage of bugs, but I really like this game anyway.

+The FPS element of the game has been DRAMATICALLY improved from Fallout 3 and especially New Vegas. I get a good feel for where I'm aiming and enemies don't slide around like they did in New Vegas! I don't even find myself using VATS much.

+NO MORE WEAPON DURABILITY! Even non-power armor has no durability! Less tedious things to micro-manage that only serve to distract and inconvenience me.

+Wayyy better weapon/armor modifying system! Looots of choices- and you don't even necessarily need the perks to get the mods.

+Better leveling system. Skills were overshadowed by intelligence allowing you to get everything, making your character utterly generic and uninteresting. With the new perk system you still get to make a kind of character you like but you're actually making choices.

+Legendary weapons/armor keep loot interesting in a way Skyrim never did! I love wounding weapons.

When workshops get fixed up a bit more it'll add at least 3 things to this list.

Feel free to post more things.

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Sammi Jones
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:31 am

-I think the new perk system is amazing and so much better than the Skills system

-Crafting weapons is great

-Jetpack power armor with upgraded legs that shoot out fire when I slam onto the ground

-The Enclave armor actually looks good for the first time in any Fallout game other than 2

-Dialogue system that isn't ugly and leaves the options I don't choose a mystery to be unlocked my next play through

-The intro in the pre-bomb world before going into the Vault is really good storytelling

-The Silver Shroud

-The game is an incredibly pallet to build off of with mods to make anyone's dreams come true

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:02 am

... You can craft weapons? :o

VATS has always given me some issues since FO3- I've found it to be more functional in this than in previous games. I definitely have problems getting it to target the body part I want- and it tends to jump around body parts when the enemy is particularly mobile. The biggest issue VATS has given me (in all 3 games) is when it pauses dramatically and your character just sits there doing nothing.

I agree companions are frustrating. I don't even bring mine with me, they're too annoying. (In fact I'm not even sure you get XP for companion kills)

BTW if any prospective posters are reading this:

I don't mind if you disagree with things I say- though if possible I would like to keep this thread focused on appreciation (so we can focus on bug-solving in other threads).

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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:08 pm

- The FPS aspect of this game is better than the last 4

- The graphics are nice (they're not the best, but a step up from previous fallouts)

- I like the idea of settlements and will probably go back to loving them once they're "fixed"

- Getting around is a lot more convenient. Not a lot of invisible walls and it's not plagued with the problem fallout 3 had of "Your objective is 50 meters north of you, but you're gonna have to go 2 miles south and find the right metro"

- I like how different companions have different abilities like lock picking, hacking, or fetching items.

That was a lot harder to come up with than it should've been.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:07 am

I really found myself interested in collecting all of the magazines and comic books in game, not for the perks solely, but because I love the covers of them. I commend the artwork team for taking time to give each magazine a unique and colorful look. Heck, I really wish I could read some of those "Unstoppables" comics.

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Beth Belcher
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:53 am

- Only one major bug that has bothered me in 100+ hours

- Interesting characters

- Music is the Third Rail in Goodneighbor

- The overall vibe of Goodneighbor in general

- The first trip into the Glowing Sea is really fun

- Cool hats

- The Silver Shroud again

- Hard choices when you have to choose between factions

- Vats is fun, though not always useful, it is cinematic and fun

- Deathclaw animations

- Deathclaw animations in slow motion as I gun them down with a laser gatling gun

- The missions where you plant MILA for Tinker Tom and have to climb to places I wouldn't normal go

- The robots are really cool

- 100+ hours before I got bored, more than I have ever played a videogame

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:41 am

I've been getting annoyed with this too. When I clearly wanna nail the Super Mutant Suicider sprinting toward me, it zooms in on some radroach hidden behind a wall 500 yards away. And clicking on the limb you want doesn't always work, then you have to back-click and aim for the right one and by then you've been blown to smithereens. Great.

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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:10 am

I like the additions of follower contextual comments and which action of the player character they like or dislike. I hope they improve on this feature in TES 6: Black Marsh.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:03 am

You know today I was playing and this one feature in town building with incorrect data and such was driving me batty.

But then I was like.. Man I love how things dont take freaking forever to load. Those missions in Fallout NV that had you going and back and forth and like every door, or check point.. that would really wear on me. Even Diamond City where the potential for all that is not bad at all. I think Bethseda is nailing it..

The loading on their programing is so much smoother

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:39 am

It definitely needs to be a smooth experience since it no longer freezes time.

Despite having a lot of frame rate issues myself (which I will hopefully have dealt with in several days), I will say the loading times could be so much worse than they are.

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Liv Staff
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:24 pm

- Power armor is congruent with lore in it's operation.

- I think the locations are an improvement over Fallout 3.They're more logical and intriguing; goodneighbor being my personal favorite.

- I admire Bethesda's attempt at implementing multiple factions into the main narrative.

- Companions are much better, dialogue is contextual and organic.

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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:25 am

"blood on the harp"... mmuuahahaha... genius :-)))

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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:16 am

I have to agree with the bipedal/quadrupedal multi-ambulation animations of the Deathclaws being awesome!

I love how enemies try to use some tactical sense against you, dodging behind cover and laying cover fire.

I REALLY love being able to Iron Man from the greatest heights in a suit of Power Armor, just for the coolness factor.

I love Curie, and her comments and actions after completing her companion quest.

I very much like being able to mountaineer everywhere, and the ability to beeline for most markers. In the rural areas, at least.

The GHOULS! "Rawr? What rawr? OH! I WAS STEPPING ON YOUR FACE! Didn't see you there, have a double dose of 00 buckshot to the melon!" They make a really good, creepy jump-scare, when the lurkers clamber up from the floor, fall out of holes in the ceiling, crawl out of their hiding places in the walls!

The advent of the Prydwyn was pretty awesome, in it's Lead Zeppelin hoving into view and dropping vertibirds everywhere fashion.

I truly love the small stories lying around: The skeletons of the couple sitting on the church pew, their baby no-where to be seen. The various reactions to the impending doom you see all about (fights over the available personal shelters, the last drink, the partner substitute so one doesn't die alone, etc.). The teddy bear scenes set up by raiders.

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