» Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:12 am
I think, although we have had a space DLC, that a DLC travelling to the moon would be awesome. I for one think it should be much like The Pitt or Point Lookout DLC that open up a whole new map to explore with main and side quests, complete with it's own weapons and armours. For instance there should be an astronought style power armour, as good if not better than the X-01 Mk VII...Because let's face it, It is a new area why not have better equipment? And being that it's on the moon, give us some kind of transport like a moon bike or Rover.
Nick Valentine Pre-Great War is a little impossible being that he is a Synth made AFTER the war...perhaps delv into the playable characters time in the military? Maybe a significant Tour of Duty? Like the old Anchorage DLC? Maybe have it tie into the Enclave? Where, when you come out of the Memory Den, you seek out the remnents of the Great War? Whether they be generations of descendants or Goulified Brothers in Arms, giving you the option to either help them rebuild an army or crush them like in number 3?
The Vault Tech Underwater idea would be awesome, I can sense a bit of an OLD WORLD BLUES feel about though...although...again a new Oceanic Power Armour does sound appitising...
And as for a trip to D.C., perhaps a Broken Steel atmosphere where the DLC is only accessable after the main story line so that whichever of the four main factions you side with send you to D.C. to help set up (or maintain for BOS and Railroad) a branch in the Capitol...
I dunno, just my idea...I know I referred to a lot of the old DLC but they we're so good, why not use them as baselines?