Transportation and Making your own Ammunition!

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:53 pm

Okay, I know I cannot be the only person in the History of Fallout with the want to restore a motorcycle or a car of sorts. And come on, let's face it...the new engines can handle it! Seriously, Bethesda has given is so much with Fallout 4, and the Power Armour Engine...Amazing! So why not let us restore a vehicle of our Own choice? Go out into the Commonwealth, scrap up some bits and pieces and restore a Motorcycle or car? Yeah there's no fuel anymore...but Fusion Cores for power armour, why can't we make something like that to power vehicles too? Being able to sit "Gunner" in a Vertibird was a blunt tease too if you ask me, actually flying one would be amazing.

And Ammunition, I'm ALWAYS running out! Fallout New Vegas was awesome for the recycling and remaking of ammunition, as is with my ammo situation, I'd settle for just Junk Rounds! Cant be the only one thinking this, so please Bethesda, we can make armour and modify weapons and customize our power armour...but where the ammo at?
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:54 am

Mod your weapons to raise their damage so you can kill with fewer bullets. Stay outdoors, where it's easier for you to avoid combat. Scavenge everything. There's ammo everywhere. There was a point early in the game when I might be dangerously low on ammo. But situation improved soon after.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:37 pm

The engine can't directly handle land vehicles, Skyrim showed that and FO4 is only a slightly upgraded version.

Then you have the layout with so much destroyed and cluttering the roads, bridges destoryer or not lowered and so many areas in broken terrain, narrow streets or covered with mines. A bike wouldn't be practical on most of the map and to keep in FO style would be blown up really easily.

Making ammo I do miss more early game. If it is added it should be made slightly easier and maybe be "bulk" build like 30 rounds.

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:11 pm

Easier said than done at the beginning of the game...although, I was pretty set until I decided to go up against the I'm back to square one...
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Hilm Music
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:31 pm

Perhaps the landscape is a little too harsh here and there, but wouldn't it be great fun, climbing landslides and dodging "potholes" as a bit of a pass time on a motorcycle? Yeah the engine wouldnt be great, as you said the Skyrim one was broken here and there...but i still think it'd be cool.

Bulk building ammo would be a great idea
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:57 pm

Not against vehicles in theory. Practically for FO4 I think it would be a bad idea for one simple reason. The map is scaled for a hiking experience. They abstract the distances so the next thing is just at the edge of your vision.

Games with vehicles as a centerpiece typically scale their maps for vehicle, not foot. Traveling significant distance practically requires transport.

Maybe for a future Fallout title, but only if the map is designed and intended for vehicles
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:06 pm

Go to places where there are lots of buildings. There are sure to have many deserted buildings with unguarded loot, dead bodies with loot and ammo, etc. That was what I did; I looked at the horizon and headed where the buildings were at. A last resort would be lower the difficulty, which makes enemies easier to kill with fewer bullets.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:18 pm

How about instead of adding a vehicle, we just add some sentry bot vehicle treads to power armor? and the material determines how fast they go. It could work in the new engine, could give you some increased speed, I'm not talking about like 5 - 10%, more like 25 - 50% increase but nothing over that. It can work in the current engine because the locomotion is there with the sentry bot and could work with a jet pack, practically giving you a super speed running start to jump places.

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Lisha Boo
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:04 am

This is especially true now that loot respawns. By cycling between a laser rifle and a combat rifle I can't remember the last time I fell below 2000 rounds on hand for either. I usually have less than 500 rounds of .50 cal but that's been more than adequate for my sniping needs.

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