I specifically bought an Xbox One because I heard Microsoft and BioWare had some kind of timed DLC exclusive for Dragon Age: Inquisition. Well the joke was on me because I ended up not liking that game.
I specifically bought an Xbox One because I heard Microsoft and BioWare had some kind of timed DLC exclusive for Dragon Age: Inquisition. Well the joke was on me because I ended up not liking that game.
I got one because my wife wanted me to have it last year for my Birth-Mas gift.
With it was GTA V and The Last of Us Remastered. Totally worth it because I got to continue one of the best games from 7th gen on the 8th gen, and watch it transform into a true 8th gen game. Then I got to play a game I didn't play before on 7th gen and just fully enjoyed the beautiful remastered edition.
Yes, yes it is. But I buy more all the time... but hey, half of those are older games like Sly Cooper or even Shaq Fu.
there is no need to update for fallout 4, it works with 5 years old hardware
This game was the game that made me go........Now is the time to upgrade.
I held off until I knew it was coming out on both PS4 and Xbox One. Only because I remembered reading somewhere that there was a chance they might not release it on PS4 after all problems with Skyrim on PS3 and didn't want to upgrade until I knew for sure.