I have already done one play through and I have started another. The question now is: “Where I do I go first? What do now that Sanctuary is built and secure?” There are so many options that it is particularly overwhelming, if you let it!?! I am rather partial to Piper as a companion and love interest, because of her personality and one-liners. But I would also like to experience Curie: just because. On the other hand, Cait stops me cold with her attitude. As for the other potential companions I have little interest at this time.
After Sanctuary I generally start off by seeking out Detective Valentine and going after Kellogg and then hooking up with Piper. Followed by doing the Minutemen quests. Then on to finish the main quest. At the very least that is how I played my first game.
Aside from the main quest line the board is open so to speak. The commonwealth is large and full of adventure and experiences. Plus, there are many factions to deal with and to choose from. “Which faction should I join and support? Will or should it be the Minutemen, the Brotherhood, the Railroad or the Institute?”
(Bethesda covered all of the bases here. Every aspect of the game and the choices you make are nearly limitless.)
As a native born New Englander, however, I lean toward my heritage and side with the minutemen. Thus, the other factions are left in limbo. Experiences I will no doubt pass on by. Add to that the confusion of where do I go and what option do I choose once I reach the Institute? Yikes! I am so confused.
(There is something inbred within a New Englander that keeps you connected to its heritage and to its history. I have lived in the Pacific Northwest for the past thirty-six years and yet I am still connected to New England, in heart, mind, and soul.)