Dear Bethesda,
First, my Apologizes for my non-native-very-bad english.
Second, Thank you for the great game you sell to me. I've played a lot of hours, and I hope I'm going to play more and more. But...
Can you, please, consider some of my selfish expectations listed bellow ?
- Please, can you make some "evil" factions (Raiders, Gunners) playable, and/or add some news, with a huge main quest and real world impact at the end of the quest?
- Please, can you add the possibility for all the playable factions to manage a settlement, and give them a real interest to do that ?
- Please, can you remove or rework the uncharismatic Minutmen Faction, or like I suggest before, give me the possibility to expand settlement with an other ?
- Please, can you, for the Minutmen, give me the rank of "General" after a real epic quest and not after a little deathclaw kill ?
- Please, can you add more and more and more and more and m... dialogue option different than "Yes" "No" or "Sarcastic", with a REAL impact on the NPC or Faction who I'm speaking with ?
- Please, can you, in the same idea than the precedent question, add some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and perk dialogues option with, again, a real impact ?
- Please, can you, ... Karma ... ?
Thank you very much to take the time to read this, and maybe, some others fallout's fans are going to read and talk about this on this thread.
PS : obviously, I would be happy to wait for the release of a DLC or more to see some of these features coming.