Xbox One and PS4 Mods

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:28 pm

So, even though they're months away, I'd like to again voice HOW EXCITED I am that mods are coming to the consoles. It's something that didn't need to happen, but a nice little bonus to console players. I'm realistic about my expectations. I know on 3 and New Vegas a lot of high end mods used Script Extenders and the like. So I'm expecting our options will be a little more limited than our PC counterparts, but still as I sit here looking at a Brotherhood paint job for the X-01 on Nexus all I can think is that a lot of the little stuff I want is on its way in just a few months.

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Angel Torres
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:32 am

Even without a script extender, there should be more to work with for Fallout 4 than any other previous Bethesda title. Simple mods like naming settlers, toggling settler's essential or non-essential, basic cosmetic mods, follower mods, eliminating or increasing build and settler limits, more armor, more guns, more gun and armor mods, more junk to scrap, more scrappable wood and steel at settlements, more enemies, recruitable enemies, joinable raider and gunner factions, raider and gunner settlements, more settlements, more radio stations, more songs, and just more of the same content will make the game even better.

Also, a lot of those script extender mods will take awhile to make. The first few months after the creation kit release should net a bunch of basic mods that should make the transition to console.
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