So I'm completely new to Fallout. I've never played any Fallout game ever. I'm fairly adept at video games, so it puzzles me why I'm having such a hard time in Fallout. I feel like I don't fully understand the system(s) in place, so I'd like to ask for some help. I'm really enjoying the game despite my hardships, so I'm looking forward to learning and improving.
1. I die all the time.
It's funny - I was letting my friend check the game out via Steam Broadcasting while I played. I'm going around, exploring, looting, talking, and he asks me "How come you never use your VATS?" I was like "What the hell are vats?" He explained it to me very basically because he isn't familiar with it either, but up until that point I had no idea. The squares with numbers in them looked familiar from a brief tutorial I went through, but it was late at night, and the next day I didn't even remember the system existed. So I thought maybe this was the reason I was doing so poorly - turns out it only helped slightly. I assume that's because I don't really understand how it works. My problem with it is that I miss all the time when I use it - even when the target is fully exposed and has nowhere to hide. I assumed since VATS seemed to take control of my weapon, that it was aiming for me, but I almost seem to do better when I aim it myself. Also - even when I do hit, it's usually pretty weak. Again, it seems I do more damage when I aim on my own. What am I missing about this system? I assume that I am the problem, and that I need to learn to use it correctly.
I seem to take a lot of damage and hit like a wet noodle. I tried modding my guns and armor, but it seemed to make very little difference. I know how it sounds, but I can promise you it's not a matter of aiming skill or spraying. I've been playing shooters since the 90s. I'm damn good at them. In Fallout, I miss a LOT. For this reason, I feel like I'm missing something about how things work, especially with the VATS system. It feels like there's something more to it than other shooters, which I think is awesome, but I am just missing something about how it works.
2. My character bulid.
The game explained very little about how perks work, but for the most part, they seemed pretty self-explanatory when I read them. I want to go back and reset them, so I'll have to see if there's a way to do that. At first I wanted to make an intelligent character who relied less on brute force and more on outsmarting his opponents. It seems that this isn't really viable though, so I've been not-so-carefully putting points into whatever thing I'm having trouble with at the time. Running out of ammo, got Scrounger. Wanted to craft, got Scrapper. Dying all the time, so I got Toughness. So on and so forth in that manner. So I have a haphazard smattering of random talents. Here's what I created on my first day, having no real knowledge of the Fallout universe:
Strength 4
Perception 5
Endurance 5
Charisma 3
Intelligence 7
Agility 3
Luck 2
Seemed fairly well balanced to me.
Covert Operation
Gun Nut
Guns and Bullets
Tesla Science
Wasteland Survivor 1
I guess my questions could be summed up as:
- Are any of these perks noob traps?
- Should my character be more focused or more generalized?
- Is an intelligence character viable? (I want to outsmart, hack, lockpick, and craft as opposed to break, smash, punch, and overpower)
- Can I reset these perks?
3. Crafting
I'm pretty frustrated with crafting right now. I feel like the game did a bad job of explaining it, but as with everything, I'll assume I'm the problem unless I'm shown otherwise. I super enjoy looting stuff, and super enjoy crafting, so I was excited to get started on this aspect of the game. I heard it was pretty in-depth.
Here's a summary of what I'm currently doing:
- Looting just about everything for raw materials
- Fast traveling to Home Plate and back when I get too full
- Dumping everything into my workbench
Now, it seems like whenever I want to craft something at another station, I have to remove the materials from the workbench, and deposit it into the next station. Is this for real? It's such a pain. Also - is there no way to scrap items while out in the world? I'd like to carry around raw materials rather than stuff my weapon list with pipe gun #437. It seems that I either have to deposit the items into the station intact, or drop them in the "crafting zone" and manually scrap them one by one. Is there a workbench function to 'scrap all'?
I have no idea how power works. I saw a terminal in my house that claimed to generate 100 volts (I assume they're volts). I saw wires running from it, and managed to run some wire and a node of my own before I ran out of copper. I placed a ceiling fan above my 'bedroom', and it just magically worked without any wiring going to it. I assume the items draw power (I saw some red voltage on some items, which I assume indicates that it uses that much power), and that I can use up to 100 volts before I need to think about expanding that somehow. Lots of assuming here on my part.
Some other random questions:
- Is there a way to call your current companion? I loaded up that synth with a lot of junk and he went off somewhere. Do I have to go track him down at the next quest location?
- Will I always be out of ammo? I seem to always be out, even though I naturally conserve. Is there a way to craft ammo? I'm hoping that if I can figure out how to kill someone with less than 10 shots, this problem will resolve itself.
- Are collections a thing? I've found pieces of junk that lend themselves to being part of a collection, but I'm not sure if anything happens when I get them all (letter blocks, skeleton parts, toy pony parts, etc).
- Can you place junk in your home? I didn't see a method of doing this aside from dropping it and hoping it lands where you want it. For instance, if I have five junk items - a spoon, fork, knife, plate and glass - can I make a place setting on a table, or would I just have to drop the items over and over until it lands where I want it?
- I'll add more when I play again. There's more, I just can't think of them at the moment, and I'm not at home with the game right now.
Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.