So where do you think they will be looking, and wha do you guys think will be address in future updates and DLC judging by current popular opinions?
They may not be saying anything, but they're watching. Don't you worry.
They're probably looking through a lot of fan forums and going through lots of reviews to find the most common complaints. Well, the most actionable complaints, at least - there's nothing they can do with an update or DLC to get anyone to start saying it's finally an RPG, but the lack of weapon variety is something they can address in a DLC no problem.
I do think one of their main focuses will be adding way more weapons and armors. Bethesda's not the type to do weapon packs, though, like what Obsidian did for New Vegas with Gun Runner's Arsenal; I imagine they'll just throw in a ton with their story expansions, like what they did for Skyrim and Fallout 3. (I'd honestly wager that Fallout 4's DLC pattern will be very similar to Skyrim's)