Ultimate WeaponDLC

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:50 pm

I have this idea that I actually wanted to bury,but I just can't get it out of my head. So hear me out,my fellow vault dwellers.

First things first: remember supersledge from F3? That huge thing that were almost fitting for behemoth? Well I was kinda dissapointed when I stumbled apon F4 iteration of this weapon. Although I liked the logic of rocket propulsion system way more than some techno-magic "kinetic energy storing device",it just looks way too slender,even more so in power armor,where you simply hold it with one hand like some stick. One hand?! Seriously,what's the point of all that extra strength power armor provides to its wearer if you don't even use it's potential to full.

What if I tell you that it wasn't always supposed to be so? Imagine a weapon so heavy and terribly powerful that it can be used properly only when utilizing power armor,and even so with great effort,demanding both of your servo motor enhanced mechanical hands. A weapon so exausting that it will burn your fusion cores at a double rate. So powerful that even its creators viewed it as an overkill. Well,this pinnacle of man-portable destruction is out there somewhere. The legend calls it...The Ultrasledge! A pre-war prototype device,promising experimental weapon that was the key part of anti-tank warfare project,barely finished but never mass produced. Only one remains,awaiting in oblivion for his first master who will bring it to the world,wielding unheard power of the ages past. What power exactly? Nothing is certain,for all data was lost to time. Still,some persistent rumours survived through the time.


*Can't be eqipped if not wearing power armor frame.
*Huge weight (25-50?). Double if not wielded. Even better: can only exist as physical object in the world,similar to the power armor frame itself. If you unequip it,it will slam into the ground becoming immobile structure (Or maybe even support turret/zapper?!).
*Enormous melee damage (Fixed and unmodified by STR or chems).
*If delivered damage exeeds enemy hitpoints by extreme amounts,his whole body and limbs explode into gore upon death,even without Bloody Mess perk.
*Does not reqire fusion cores to function by default,but causes power armor to consume 30-50% more energy.
*Falling from very high places will kill you even in power armor. As a less severe alternative,will break leg plates by half.
*Impact landing from moderate heights deals double damage,but costs you 5% of leg plates armor health.
*Ground shaking effect while moving. Footsteps are much louder. Cannot crouch.
*Can hold block. Cannot move while hold-blocking.
*Weapon linked to your pip-boy (cannot be equipped by power armored allies or enemies).

*Has a very expensive (in resources and perk requirements) uncraftable without shematic mod (quest reward) that allows it to shoot from shoulder. Fire mode: death ray that deals enormous energy damage for 3 second. (Similar to Assaultron head-laser beam,but more powerful and intense).
*Each shot uses 1 fusion core.
*Possible alternative fire mod,that essentially converts it to portable tank cannon that uses special type of ammunition.
*Firing mod reqiring 3-5 seconds to set up,kneeling on one leg to compensate recoil (in other words charging mechanics similar to master leveled spells in Skyrim).
*Once this weapon mod installed,you will loose block abillity,aiming and entering set up mode instead.

I know what you thinking : overpowered. But hey,we've got ourselves things like doubleshot Fat Man and Explosive Minigun which are broken as hell,so why not? Besides I think you have noticed that this weapon have many drawbacks. They serve one purpose: it is price for power. Also remember that this weapon is one-of-a-kind test model that was never refined. I kept balance in mind,so I don't suggest to just add this weapon to the game. It supposed to be important part of high-level orientated addon,like for 70+ wanderers or so with much more powerful enemies. If you worry about heavy fusion core usage I think it is justified. I currently explored 70% of the map and have over hundred of them,not a single core was bought. I think post end game you will have too many of those...but if you will run short,those high leveled enemies can always be programmed to drop some cores on death.

So what do you think? And more interestingly,maybe you have your own original,wacky and over the top ideas for end game tier weapons?

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