Feel free to choose more than one. I like the mixtures but if I had to choose one it is the alien toy. They are far and few between but I have liked the few I have seen.
Feel free to choose more than one. I like the mixtures but if I had to choose one it is the alien toy. They are far and few between but I have liked the few I have seen.
Definitely the skeletons, most of them have a visual story to tell about how they died that really adds an emotional weight to the wasteland. The teddy bears can be quite amusing, the mannequins are bullet bait, Jangles the Moon Monkey is a cool collectible, and the toy aliens just svck... the skeletons though have a haunting presence that helps to sell the setting.
I have ran across a few aliens doing things, one was holding a 150lbs (I think) barbell.
Mannequins and skeletons, the times I almost shot at a mannequin but then didn't was fun. Skeletons because sometimes they told interesting stories.
Nothing beats the spooky skeletons. Especially a skeleton that is as rad as this http://imgur.com/zfDla7G.jpg. Seriously, you cannot tell me that is not the coolest dead guy you've seen in the wasteland.
thats the kinda guy i wanna hang out with
teddy bears are probably the most fun on average but skeletons are the best by far
I voted for the skeletons, but I pretty much liked all of them except for those creepy mannequins.
I would have to say it's the two teddy bears in a 69 position!
Way funnier than the toilet teddy reading the paper everyone always mentions
Yeah, the alien weightlifter was great. And there've been some good teddybears.
I miss the gnomes, though.
I try to watch for blocks spelling out messages but I haven't found one yet.
One time I found a teddy bear underneath a trash can wearing handcuffs. Funny stuff.
Also, no love for the cymbal monkeys? Those things are terrifying. Once I walked into a classroom just full of them, and they all went off almost simultaneously.
I found a bear sitting on a hot plate reading a newspaper with a hat on, might have had glasses on. There was a sweet roll sitting in front of him. There are also a lot of cats and some of them are dead. There's a lot to see if you keep your eyes open.